Misc Software
Hello there,
Cent OS 5.2 crashes when I want to install it. The error message is showed below and I didn’t find a solution for this on the Internet. Can any of you experts help me please to fix this ? I did something wrong ?
Thank you !
VirtualBox – Error
An error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The error details are shown below. You can try to correct the describe error and resume the virtual machine execution.
Unable to allocate and lock memory. The virtual machine will be paused. Please close applications to free up memory or close the VM.
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When I try to connect a DAQ MX task from LabVIEW my project crashes and this error appears. The program is working fine but sometimes this error mess up my project. Is there a way to solve this error ? What should I do please ?
Thank you !
LaVIEW: An exception occurred with the extreme code called by Call Library Function Node. This might have corrupted LavVIEW’s memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.
VI “AdvancedTiming.vo:1” was stopped at node” “at a clll to “DAQmxAssistant_DAQmx Get IO Control Info.vi”
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I want install HP Support Assistant on my laptop and during the install this error appeared and rolled back the install. I use the same driver as the main driver and is fully compatible with my Windows 7. Does anyone can tell me what this error means ? Why I cannot install the HP Support Assistant ?
Thank you experts !
Feature transfer Error
Error: – 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed
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Hi there,
Even if I have Vegas Pro this error still appears and closes my installer. I have checked the installer and it seems like to be OK since is downloaded from a trusted source and is compatible with my Windows 7. Any solution for my Production Assistant ? What I did wrong that not recognizes Vegas Pro ?
Thank you !
Production Assistant
Production assistant requires Vegas@ Pro.
A compatible Vegas® Pro installation could not be found.
The installer will now close. Your system has not been modified.
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Hi there,
Notes about the BOM in UTF8 Files and Importing Data Into VectorWise on Windows gives me this error. I have no idea about this error or how can I solve this error. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ? What is wrong with my PC ?
Thank you !
Ingres Import Assistant
E_CO0032 COPY: Bad data value for column ‘accentcity’ encountered while
Processing row 33.
The Import operation has been cancelled.
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LabVIEW shows me this error code when I run a Data Acquisition Program. Every time the result is the same for me. I didn’t find a solution for this yet. Can anyone help me please to fix this program error ? Why I have it ?
Thank you !
Error – 200220 occurred at DAQmx Create Channel (AI-Voltage-Vasic).vi:3
Possible reason(s):
Measurements: Device identifier is invalid.
Device Specified: Dev6
Task Name: _unnamedTask
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Hi there,
I have this Logon Error and it seems like I am not registered to any Warehouse Builder. Is for the first time when I have this error and it started to appear after I made the necessary updates of my OS. Can anyone help me please to skip this error ?
Thank you !
Logon Error
API5055: This user has not been registered to any warehouse Builder workspace. Do you want to proceed to create a new workspace for it , or register it to an existing one?
Skip This Message Next Time
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Hi there,
I have this error in Flash Builder in PHP with Flex Builder and I didn’t find a solution even after I made a small research on the Internet. A friend of mine recommended me this website where I can get help from experts. Is there an online expert who would like to help me please ?
Regards !
Paging cannot Be Enabled
Paging requires the following parameters, which must be the last two parameters in the operation signature. You cannot change the name of these parmeters.
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Hi there,
I cannot install Flash Builder plug-ins because of this error that appears every time I try to do so. I have contacted the support from Adobe and it passed almost 2 weeks and no answer from them. Can I get some help from you experts ? What I did wrong ?
Thank you !
Configuration error
Please uninstall and reinstall the product.
If this problem still occurs, please contact Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
Error: 6
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I want to launch Adobe Flex Builder 3 and after installing the web version of Flex Builder 3 this error appears and if I click the Try Again button the error still appears. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ?
Thank you !
Windows – No Disk
Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75E3023C
0X85A60E2C 0X75E3023C
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