Misc Software
Hi there,
I want to import some files in Adobe After Effects and this is the error that appears to some files. It doesn’t appear to all files but I cannot use them all. Can anyone help me please to import the files properly ? What could be the problem ?
Thank you !
After Effects
After Effects error: Can’t import file “Transporter.ffx”: unsupported filetype or extension.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
After I saved a project from After Effects this error appeared when save was done. I clicked OK and I was expecting for a log which didn’t appear. Should I be worried about this message ? Why is generating a crash log ?
Regards !
After Effects
A Copy of your project was saved at : /Users/scott/Documents/After Effects Crash.aep.
Generating crash log, which may take a few minutes.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi there,
This error appears every time when I want to copy some layers. I did a small research on the Internet about this error and they all said the reinstall will help. I did so and this error still appears. Any of you experts have some free time to help me please ?
Thank you !
After Effects has encountered an error.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
While I was working with Adobe Effects this error message zero denominator appeared. If I press the OK button nothing happens and I can continue the work. The problem is that I don’t think that this error appears without a reason. Why this error appears ? What this error means ?
Thank you !
After Effects
After Effects error: zero denominator in ratio addition.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Sometimes Adobe After Effects shows me this unexpected error. It doesn’t appear all the time it started to be a bit annoying. Is there a way to skip this error ? How can I solve this error please ?
Thank you !
After Effects
After Effects Warning: Error Parsing Properties List
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Adobe Reader showed up today this error after the install was done. I have downloaded Adobe Reader from MAC App Store and I didn’t expect to have errors. Can anyone tell me please why I have this error with my MAC ? Why is not working ?
Thank you !
The application Adobe Reader quit while unresponsive.
Mac OS X and other application are not affected.
Click Report to see details or send a report to Apple.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi there,
I have this error when I want to open After Effects which worked just fine until this morning. I never had an error from Adobe and is a bit unexpected for me. Any solution ? Why I have this error now and what I did wrong that caused this ?
Thank you!
After Effects
Unable to execute script at line 425. After Effects error: Unable to call “setInterpolationTypeAtKey” because of parameter 1. Value 20 out of range 1 to 19.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi there,
My Adobe Effects crashed once and since then this error appears every time. The reinstall is not helping and it seems like that I will never make Adobe Effects to work again. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ? Why is not working anymore ?
Thank you !
After Effects
After Effects error: Crash in progress. Last logged message was Sniffer Result code: 1
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi there,
After Effects shows this error in New Pro Presets 2 Templates and I don’t know how to solve this. I would like to try to remove Presets 2 and also I don’t know how. Can anyone please help me to fix this error ? What is causing this error ?
Thank you !
After Effects
After Effects error: effects modules should only dispose worlds they have allocated.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I have this warning message from After Effects about missing 1 frames. Is for the first time when I have this error and I cannot solve this by myself. Can anyone of you experts help me please to fix this error please ?
Thank you !
After Effects
After Effects warning: the sequence has 1 missing frames.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes