Misc Software
My PC was working fine and all the software installed in it when all of a sudden while I was opening WINAMP, this error message popped on my screen. I tried reinstalling WINAMP 3 (old version) but the same thing happened. I then tried looking for the dll file that was specified in the message, but it seems it empty or something.
Please help me. I really love WINAMP and want to use it for now.
Thanks in advance.
Screenshot of error message below:
Winamp.exe – Bad Image
- 3 answers
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I am new to using DocFlex/XML Generator, a report generator from XML Files. I tried generating a report but it failed so I enabled the Generator Dialog to see what happened or what errors were I was getting and this error message popped to my screen, see below. I clicked the button OK and it generated a report about the errors. However, I am not sure how to resolve the error using the report. Anyone from this forum who can help me? Thanks in advance.
DocFlex/XML Generator
Generator Exception:
Unknown template parameter ‘aa’
Wrong function call ‘getParam’
At Enabling Condition
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I was surfing thru the Internet because I needed to get some information on a website when I got this error message, see below. I knew I have installed Adobe Flash Player 10.
Nevertheless, I re-installed Flash Player but still the same thing happened.
I tried using another web browser, this time it was Chrome but I still got the same error. I am in dire need to get the information.
Can you help resolve the error? What should I do next?
Help will be much appreciated.
Adobe Flash Player 10
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I recently installed the POS software in my laptop which has Windows Vista.
However, when I connected the scanner, the OS could not detect or recognize the installed scanner.
Does this mean Windows Vista has an issue or is it that when I installed the POS software, some settings for peripheral hardware were interfered with?
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We usually buy software online so we can avail the maximum performance of each one. Sometimes, we buy without thinking if it will work or not. Some provides a trial version but how do we really know if the ones we are buying is efficiently working. Is there an application or a process that we could test the software’ existence to other software that is already installed on a computer and requires intercommunication with the user to continue testing? Do you have any suggestions about my query?
- 2 answers
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Hello to all experts here at TechyV!
I’m having trouble installing .NET assembly into GAC on a Windows 7 desktop.
I just use to drag files into the GAC and never had trouble like this. Does this have something to do with Windows 7?
Please share thoughts and suggested solutions to this error.
Thanks a lot guys!
Assembly Cache Viewer – Install failed
Access is denied: ‘blbmmc.resources.dll’.
- 2 answers
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Hello TechyV experts!
I havve downloaded a QuickBooks Company File Diagnostic Tool software to deal with this error. I ran the diagnostic tool and it said no problem detected in the company file (that I was previously trying to open).
But when I tried to open the file again, the same error came up. I’m confused at what’s going on here.
If the tool can’t detect any problem, what is this error coming up for?
Hoping for your ideas and suggestions regarding this error.
QuickBooks is unable to open this company file.
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My greetings to all!
Launching a file in Dynamics GP application through Dynamics.Set created this error. GP application won’t open properly and doesn’t offer any resolution to the error below. Does anyone know what to do to solve this error? I’m very grateful to all suggestions and help.
Dexterity Runtime
Data dictionary memory allocation error.
- 2 answers
- 1 votes
Greetings to all at TechyV!
I'm researching system errors together with a friend for a subject paper. Can anybody kindly tell me if they have encountered this error before and what have they done to resolve it – system change, repair tools, anything that fixed it.
Thanks for all ideas shared.
I appreciate your help!
IA&P error message
Current method; mod_Delete_User
Exception message: Incorrect syntax near ‘tblUsers’.
- 1 answers
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Hello TechyV people!
I'm new to MaxScript, hope you can help. I'm learning some tutorial scripts from a friend/instructor and I met this error under Export File command. Nothing I try seems to work.
Can anyone help me resolve this error?
Thanks very much for your suggestions.
MAXScript FileIn Exception
–Runtime error: fileIn: can’t open file – “RenX-WE.ms”
- 1 answers
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