Misc Software
Hi Brainy,
I am facing this error whenever I open the XBMC; I have windows 8 64 bit operating system. I closed the program and reboot the system to check whether this might solve the error. Thinking of this might be the problem with the drivers. Do I need to re-install the drivers? Is this the problem with the video card? I am not sure where the problem is please help. Thanks in advance.
CApplication::Create() failed – check log file and that it is writable
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Hello Ally,
I heard from friends that Acronis are good so decided to give a try. I installed it on my computer after working on that, I don’t feel comfortable so then I decided to uninstall. There the problem triggered I am not able to uninstall the Acronis. The error message states that home components are not found. I even tried to uninstall through control panel but no luck. How do I uninstall? Please help.
No Acronis True Image Home components found.
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I am working in Teamwork using hotlinks for quite long time. But some time very rarely I am seeing this error on and off, after a while it work fine again. The connection with the server is perfect; I don’t see any other error. What might be the root cause for this error? Please suggest me some ideas to get rid of this error before any damage. Thanks in advance.
Error occurred during the last Teamwork operation!
Server returns error code!
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Hi Whiz,
I am getting this wired error message while I am working with AutoCAD. This error is bothering me so much, not able to continue with the work. I googled and tried some solutions like reinstalling, and restarting the system and also even I tried to repair it. If the problem is in the card drivers, how do I fix it? Help me to fix the card. Thanks in advance.
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0040 Exception at 401f19beh
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Hello friends,
When I try to download the Xcode it went pretty good. But the error triggered when I tried to set up the xcode. The error states that ‘an error occurred while extracting files’, for me it seems there is no problem with the download. So tried to repeat the download process and reinstall again, but luck I got this error again. Please help. Your help is great.
The application could not be downloaded.
An error occurred while extracting files from the package “mzm.dsqyrssa.pkg”.
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Hi experts friends,
When I try to install the Adobe InDesign CS 5.5 I ended up with an error message. The installation is stopped right there. The error message states that dll is missing from your computer. Where do I find the missing dll? Can I able to install the dll file separately? Help me please, thanks.
The program can’t start because xerces-c_3_0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
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Friends I am new to PS3, don’t know much about the function and operation. I am getting this error in PS3 don’t understand the problem and how to solve the error. I used the Serviio before long back, but never experienced this error in Xbox. How to solve this error? Is the Serviio is compatible with PS3? Do I need to upgrade? Please help. Thanks.
C:Program Files (x86)Serviiobin\..lib/ffmpeg.exe -i E:Almost Heroes.mkv -y -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -copyts -acodec ac3 -ab 384k -ac 2 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -sn -f mpegts C:WindowsTEMPServiio is not accessible.
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I tried to install the BlueStacks in the computer to connect my BlackBerry Phone. The download was complete, but the error appears while I setup. And I then tried to repair the software and install but I get the same error message again. How will I setup the Bluestacks? Do I need to change the settings or properties? Please help. Thanks.
Error 1706.No valid source could be found for product BlackBerry Desktop Software 7.1. The Windows Installer cannot continue.
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Hello DBA’s,
When I am working in AutoPlant SS3, in project mode when a new drawing is created the database MDB file is not created. I got this database error message while I am trying to save the changes. How do I get a connection to the source database? I have a doubt whether this error might corrupt my database. Guide me fix the error. Thanks in advance.
ATDB0309: Failed to get a connection to the source database for document C:ProgramDataBentleyPlant V8iBentley Plant V8i ProjectsSAMPLE_IMPERIALPipingDrawings1.DWG
This will force the application to exit.
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I am getting this error whenever I try to back up my iPod using sharepod in my computer. ITunes works perfectly fine as an individual. But the problem triggers when they are all connected together. Am I going wrong anywhere? I am not a technical person, so please help me out for this issue. Thanks in advance.
Warning: SharePod encountered an error while loading!
Please email [email protected], (giving the following error number and description) for help.
Error number: -2147221231
Error description: Automation error
ClassFactory cannot supply requested class
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