Mobile Browsers
The Maxthon Mobile Browser 2.6.7 claims to be the latest and most user friendly browser for Androids. The only problem is that it works only with an android version 1.6 or a later version.
What is the best browser for a version lower than 1.6?
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i heard that bb just released the financial app and it will be a great help to all of the business, but what if someone steal the phone is there a protection for the financial info
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blackberry has this so called mobile app"financial application" how can we be sure that this is safe and away from identity theft and risk
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blackberry just launched a mobile app for financial planning, will this available in all blackberry model and in all countries?
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Hi All,
Know what you want? Have A Specific Phone In Mind?
Can anyone help me understand this?
Thanks in advance
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From a couple of days whenever I open the stock browser on my HTC ONE S, my phone start lagging and ultimately reboots my device. I have factory reset the phone but the problem still persist.
How do I resolve this? I have been too much dependent on the stock browser.
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Hello all.
I’m trying to update my Android software, but I’m unable to link with the Kies software. I always find an error message which states as given below. My OS is Win 7 34bit Ultimate.
What do you think is causing this error?
Can you give me some opinion and possible solution for this.
Help needed. Thanks in advance.
Cannot start service on the device.Please disconnect then reconnect the device.
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EnStream is discussing with several banks CIBC,TD, RBC, Scotiabank and BMO, about the beginning of technology payments for NFC friendly phones. I want to know, how it works?
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Hi there everyone!
I am really excited about this new Samsung smartphone.
Can anybody tell me when is it going to be available in the Indian markets? I am willing to buy one.
Please include additional information on its price tag, specs, features and specialties.
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I saw this Huawei phone was in the internet, talking about the price and its internal memory.
It is also a smartphone,and it runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
What do you think about this phone’s specifications and features?
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