MS Excel
Today I had to work on a previous project and when I tried opening log spreadsheet, it says me to enter password, which I’ve forgotten. Is there a way to retrieve forgotten password?
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Trying to use the file search in the Office 2007, hence it doesn't work also Office 2010 also.
A run-time error 445 Object doesn't support this action..
Run-time error '445': Object doesn't support this action.
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Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some problem regarding Microsoft Excel 2010. I have installed Microsoft office 2010 and started using excel. However, right just before it opens an error appears. The error is this: “Compile error in hidden module: AutoExecNew”. And another error appears when I exit excel. The error is this: “Compile error in hidden module: DistMon”. Can anyone help me solve this problem on Excel? I am using home vista and MS Office 2010. I will really appreciate the effort in solving this problem. Thank you!
- 3 answers
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Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some issue on MS Excel. I am suing MS Excel’s data analysis tool to deal with some data on excel. Because of this I have used the following:
$excel->AddIns->Add( "$xll_path" );
$excel->RegisterXLL( 'Analys32.xll' );
However, when I try to do this: 'C:UsersLF>perl' And error appears when I try to open CGI via IE. ERROR INFO:
- 1 answers
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Hello TechyV buddies!
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Hello experts,
MS excel file is not open it shows an error, file cant repairable and data is damage.
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Hello experts,
Now the computer recognizes the image with the general driver microchip like a communication port (COM6).
Also I tried to start the two macros of attached code here. But it is not working.
When I try to Open Office then the program collides.
In Microsoft Excel I find compilation error message.
Please help me to solve it.
Thanks a lot.
Microsoft Visual Basic
Error de compilacion
No se ha definidio Sub o Function
Aceptar Ayuda
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I saw video clip on Excel sheet. I thought it was specially designed. But I couldn't realized it. What is it? How is it done?
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In a spreadsheet if you want to print a part of it, and not the whole of it. You have to select the part which you want to print from large spreadsheet some columns or totals, when finished selecting. If your printing area is not clear the area which you are going to print then it will set the setting back to normal and print full of the spreadsheet.
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When we integrating Microsoft word and Microsoft excel, word known as the client. Because Microsoft excel is the software which serves the data and word uses all these data in document client known as a consumer of service and the server known as a producer of service. So micro soft excel known as server, Microsoft word known as client.
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