MS Powerpoint
What is the optimum size I can do insert in Microsoft PowerPoint so that all the TVs and different projectors and laptops with different screens can reliably present good looking slides and nice experience for the end user. I cannot simply increase the quality of the image alone. I have to fix on the optimal option for the pixels, vertical and horizontal, of the image when used to display on full screen. I display only images and no text or tables will be there in slides. Thank you
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I am looking for help in finding a way to restrict the user of excel to only edit the text in the cells but retain formatting. The user can update his name, correct spelling etc buy should not change background color or font size and font. How to control these? I am using Microsoft 2010 Excel in compatibility mode. If you can share me snapshots of the controls or at least the steps it will be of great help. One more information is that th contents what user enters will get updated automatically in other sheets of same work book which will be password protected. Thank you
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How to load the slides created in Microsoft PowerPoint into HTML page in a server. The user will upload the power point presentation slides and I have to load them, do some processing if required and play a slideshow in the webpage itself. How to play slideshow in webpage in HTML? I have dream viewer tool for HTML design. How to load the slides into multiple windows, but in the same page, if the user prompts for multiple slides to play at once? Thank you for your help
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This is my Setup. Windows 7 running on a laptop with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. I have created a presentation with many pages/ Most of them have tables and graphs. How to select all tables in power point at a time? How to apply various formats such as fonts, size and colors etc to al the tables at a time? I do not want to update the style of all the tables one by one as it calls for more time. How to perform this action? Thanks for your help?
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Hello, I am working on a Power Point and it locks up every time I attempt to insert an image? I am trying to enter Smart Art. Does anyone have any suggestion on how I can remedy this? I've tried saving and reopening the file and restarting my laptop. Thank you in advance for your help.
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I have been working on a power point presentation, and then it just disappeared from my screen? I hadn't yet saved it, so I am afraid I have lost all of my work. Is there a way to restore the file or find it on my laptop? I have no idea why it just disappeared? Thank you.
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I created a Power Point and didn't save for awhile, and now my computer is telling me I don't have enough space to store it? How can I get around this? I have to be able to save it. I know I can run out and get a USB and save it there, but I am afraid I will lose my work. Is there a way I can get it saved to my computer? Thank you!
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I have a Powerpoint presentation prepared but when I show it on the screen, I want the background to appear a bit lighter. I used an available background, not a custom one. Is there a way for me to change the shading so that it can be seen better on screen? Thank you.
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I am making a Power Point presentation and I have to add a video, but I am having difficulty. It looks ok when I am in the editing version, but when I run the Power Point it doesn't come up timely and sometimes not at all. Is it possible the file is too big? If so, what can I do to correct it? Thank you.
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I'm very happy to figure out that Microsoft has purchased the Live Loop app. Therefore, I would like to more about the Live Loop application.
What are the features of the Live Loop app?
Is it available worldwide?
Has it got any in app purchases?
What are the issues seen in the app till date?
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