.NET Programming

.NET Programming

Hello Techyv Guys,

I need Periodic Table HTML Code Sample, In order to understand the working of Tables. Please help me by providing the HTML sample coding.


Rosellas Phillips

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During the installation of RightFax 10.5, the installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 failed. I searched the solution to fix this error but could not find. How can I resolve this issue? I would be grateful to you. Thanks.


Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 installation failed:

Returned error code 3010 (bc2)

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Hi All,

I need few stereo audio files to be convert to 8 bit mono in .net, How should I do the same, Please help me by getting inputs on this regard. Waiting to hear from experts,

Thank You,


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My questions is pretty simple and complicated at the same time. I need Visio 2003 drivers for SQL Server 2008 but please don't just give me a link, and tell me that I can download them from there. Explain to me exactly how do these drivers work, and are they doing for me in SQL Server 2008. I have no idea where to get them, so please give me some step by step instructions and details about there. Thank you for your help.

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Today, I have encountered a strange error when opening the Source Control Explorer. Microsoft Visual Studio shows “Team Foundation Error”. Can I get this program without having any issue? I have tried to solve it by searching but I really need your suggestion to resolve the error. Any assistance would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

Error : Team Foundation Error Method not found: 'Boolean Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Workspace.OwnerNameMatches(System.String)'.

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Hello experts,


I have installed mono-android- after installing this I have got an error message “error attempting to initialize the MonoAndroidPackage”. Is this a problem with Microsoft Visual Studio? How can I overcome this annoying error? I need assistance to resolve the matter.



Error :

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Hi Guys,

I am collecting html / CSS template website design that will help me to have a collection of templates.

Please do the needful for providing me templates from your collection or provide weblinks towards the same.

Thank you, Murz Furby

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Dear Friends,

I am having an online Photoshoot Albums website and i am in the process of upgrading the same.

Please do the needful helping me by providing me a creative CSS scrolling albums script or tips that will give an impressive looks to my online photoshoot albums.



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Hi to all techyv experts!

I would like to know if there is an available msdn asp show clock application? Can someone show me how to acquire an msdn asp show clock application for my personal use. Please don't ask me a question and just give me what I wanted. Thanks!

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Hello fellow Techyv members.  I plan on using DataGridView to have extensive visual customization so I can size my columns according to specified cell contents.  Can someone suggest amazing DataGridView samples that I can choose from?  I'm on a Windows XP 64 bit system.  Thanks.

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