Network Security
What is a Man in the Browser Attack? Is it in some way connected to the more well known Man in the Middle attacks? How than is it different from Man in the middle attacks? As suggested by the name how the web is browser used to lodge the attack here?
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Xbox Owners have claimed inability to connect to Xbox Live. Users have reported issues in signing in from the Xbox consoles and from Is the issue a denial of service attack as reported by a hacker group? What is a DOS attack and what are the consequences of such an attack on the website? |
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What is the 5-4-3 rule implemented by the Ethernet?What is another name for it?What does it specify and why do we need to follow this rule? The rule divides the Ethernet into two segments. What are these? In addition to this rule what are the alternate method of connection in the network |
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The Border gateway protocol is an interautonomous system used by Cisco. What is it used for? How is it different from the Interior Gateway protocol used by customer networks? What is an external BGP? How is it different for an interior BGP?How does BGP employ scalability to meet the demands of ISPs? |
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What is meant by Transparency in Networking? What are the types of Transparency? What is distribution transparency? In firewall technology where is transparency defined? Why do we need network transparency? In the Sun Microsystem Network File System how can a user access shared files? Explain how the NFS works and how does it benefit users with easy access of data? |
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We all know the very well known fact that anyone in today’s business has to maintain most up to date protection with a simple to manage solution. Securing server environments is securing a bank from robbers. It is said that Sophos is coming with managed security service to protect cloud infrastructure. Does Sophos truly understand server security from malware and cyber attacks?
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What is an Intrusion detection system? What are the different types of Intrusion detection systems available? How does each of these work to protect network security? What are the basic variants that are integral to both systems? Where in the network are anti threat devices employed in each of these systems?
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What is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)? What is Reverse Address resolution protocol (RARP)? What is the difference between these two protocols? How does each of these work? Where are these protocols used? What are the drawbacks of RARP? What is the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)? What is it used for?
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How do you encrypt a small network to ensure that people do not intrude and access important and confidential materials? Are there good off-the shelf packages that I can buy to carry out this encryption process? Can I design the system myself or I would need the services of an expert to do this? How can I check from time-to-time that this system is functioning normally?
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Can somebody give me an idea of how this secure tunnel network architecture is deployed? Can I configure my windows computer to optimize the functioning of the tunnel network? Is this concept applicable to web networking or can I apply some of the principles to a small scale LAN network?
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