I've been using my Nokia phone for almost 1 year but until now i don't know how to use the opera mini.
Can i used the application even i don't have load in my phone?
Can i use it free of charge?
Thank you
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I have opera browser installed for a while and recently it has gotten slow and I need to know what has causing this problem with the version than I need to know the way so that it will upgrade automatically. Kindly someone help me with this opera browser issue.
Bryan Edward
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I have a G+ Account. Somehow the language of the account has been changed. I attached the picture of my home page.
How can I change my account in English language again?
Please help me.
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How to change language in Opera Mini Application to be specific language that we want?
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When I start opera I get “Update Opera” message (picture attached). I don’t want to update every time it shows me the message.
What should I do to avoid this kind of update message?
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I am in a computer class that is wanting us to know the Web Browsers and I know all of these but the Opera and the Netscape Navigator. I was wanting to know if any of the are have there goods and bad.
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Hello, community!
I'm using the Flowplayer for the first time and I found out that it’s supported in all browsers except Opera Version 11.
The error message I get is:
“303: failed to load resource: Unable to load resources: Error #2036”
What‘s the reason behind this?
Why is it not working in Opera?
Help greatly needed. Thanks.
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Hi all,
Whenever I go on my laptop to visit the web, I continually come across an error message saying “Can't load page or could not locate server on Opera”. This happens every time I try to visit any website. My WiFi is on and everything is right and proper but I still don't know why this is happening. It's really irritating. Sometimes the websites load, but most of the time they don’t.
Can anyone help me out? Please share me your answers.
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I installed Real Player 10.5 yesterday and after that I cannot open any Real Clips on sites using Opera
(version 7.50). An error message appears that says
"Opera has caused an error in nppl3260.dll".
This caught me off guard because I have just downloaded the program.
Has anyone encountered this problem before?
Thanks for the help.
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Hello. I am having problem using grid on my Opera 11.0 browser. Whenever I select row using my cursor, the selected rows scrolls up. Here’s an example http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.4.0/examples/grid/array-grid.html . I am using Sencha ExtJs 3.3.
Please give me an advice on what should I do.
Thank you so much!
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