Oracle Database
Hi. I am not very familiar with databases. I need to create a database for my website. How to make database for website? It is urgent so please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
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Often while working on oracle servers we find that oracle databases fail to run because of tmfs file as system wants to resize the tmfs because of system needs and if that is not satisfied database would feel to co-ordinate. How to work around this issue?
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I am having a problem with Chrome. When I open the browser, I am getting this error message.
FRM-92095: Oracle Jinitiator version too low. Please install version or higher.
I assume this means I have to go with oracle jinitiator download to fix the issue, but can someone please explain precisely what the problem is and how to fix it?
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I have encountered a problem while working with Oracle. Every time I try to open an Oracle form, I get the following error message.
To access this application, you must install the j2se plugin version 1.6.0_07. To install this plugin, click here to download the oaj2se.exe executable. Once the download is complete, double-click the oaj2se.exe file to install the plugin. You will be prompted to restart your browser when the installation is complete.
I installed j2se plugin version 1.6.0_07 as directed by the message. But I still could not open the Oracle form. Please help me find a solution.
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I am facing problems in download oracle 10g for windows, How can I download it with the original license version to my computer ?
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I want to implement charts and reports on oracle in my project. What are the options available in oracle? I explored that it supports the high end charts for dashboard from data ware house? How can I implement that? My project caters to the need of sales team. Is there any other functionality which can build 3D charts in oracle? Also I need to attach audio and video in the charts to self-demonstrate the use of project. Can someone help me on that?
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I am working on Oracle 11g and facing an issue. One of my applications is throwing an error message saying “unable to create Flashback”. I am trying to create flashback of a database table but it is not working. The only change that I did was to change a data type of a column from nvarchar to varchar, and after this change it stopped working correctly. I have also searched on internet, but not able to find a solution. Kindly help.
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Hi, Today I got a new requirement in Oracle, where I need to access Clob datatypes through DB link. I have not even heard this terminology before. I agreed to take up this project, but I am completely unaware on how to use this, what are its advantages and limitations. Also, I am not authorized to create any type of views in database. Please suggest how to proceed with Clob data type for more than 10 GB of data.
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I need to implement a system for a Big Oracle Database that increases by 20 GB in every given month. What are the specifications of the best server to use? Is there any special way that I can implement the backup for improved performance? What server should I use to implement the data warehouse? Finally, I need applications to interact with the Big database and the data warehouse. What other servers do I need to achieve this?
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Is it possible to prevent a high priority process from aborting whenever a deadlock occurs? Instead, I need lower priority tasks to be canceled. It should be like configuring a high priority user or session to be still functional during a deadlock. Answers are appreciated.
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