Outlook Express
I am new at using Microsoft Outlook express and facing some difficulties in using it.
When I try to connect it to the server, the server terminates the connection and gives me the following error:
The error reads as:
Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details.
An unknown error has occurred Subject 'lest'. Account 'pop.gmail.com', Server. 'smtp.gmail.com',Protocot SMIP, Poxt 465.Secure (SSL): Yes. Error Number: 0×800CCC08
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My outlook express email inbox got an error about SMTP generating 553-5.1.2. How can I delete this error and wash my inbox?
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How can I transfer my ownership on Outlook Express 2003 including the existing inbox, outbox and address book information to a new computer? I need some procedures as I am new to this.
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What are the steps that must be followed to include modules email in Expression Engine 2.5.3? I also want to create contact forms and tell a friend form in it.
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I want to have SAP be connected in my mail outlook and I'm wondering on does it need to have a new software to perform it?
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I am desperately looking for the notes connector for my outlook 2010. Please tell me will it support outlook 2010. If it supports then give me the link to get lotus notes connector.
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I can not finish installing Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 on my PC because of this error. Please help me to solve this.
How can I install Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 now?
Business Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 is not installed because it or one of its required components failed to install. Click help for more information.
A log file, which is useful if you contact Customer Support Services, is stored in the following location:
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I am getting the following error "Error Number: 0x800CCC0F" in the Outlook Express: "Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Error Number: 0x800CCC0F"
Do you have an idea on what is going on?
Any help will greatly be appreciated.
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When I attach a file in outlook, the large icons options don’t show a preview of the dwg file.
But it works in windows explorer perfectly.
Did anyone get this kind of situation?
Please let me know.
Thanks to all in advance.
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Hi TechyV buddies!
I am having some problem with my outlook express. I cannot receive any email but I can send emails. I have tried deleting the 15 million emails because I thought that this might be blocking the emails to come in but after deleting the millions, I still can’t receive any emails. I was told that maybe the error was about my inbox. They said that my inbox was corrupted or something about the inbox.dbx, but I don’t know how to solve this error. Can anyone help me solve this issue? Thank you!
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