PC Laptops
Hi. A few days back, I registered my PC’s own host resource record at a website in a network. Ever since, I have been observing performance degradation. What could be the possible reason behind it? Why is there a need to scavenge stale resource records?
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Which laptop would be on your list of best six laptops one cannot afford not to have or ignore when buying a laptop? What are the various distinct features of each of these laptops? Why do you term these six laptops per your list as the best? And among these laptops which of these one is relatively affordable compared to functional features and the likes? Thank you.
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If the user locks the windows and allows the system to run, the system will run for some minutes and then restarts. If the Windows isn’t locked and kept idle, it will not restart. I have not physically seen the computer but I could get some observation done. To make sure it is restarting the laptop and just not turning off the screen, I asked the person to create 2 or more user accounts and login to one. Now, if the user locks the laptop then the windows display that particular user has locked the laptop. If it restarts the laptop will forget who has logged in and will simply display all the accounts. Hence, I can conclude that the laptop is indeed restarting whenever the user locks the laptop and leave it aside for a few minute. What might be the reason and possible solution?
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Whichever might be the keyboard, the on screen one or the keyboard extension, my surface pro 3 makes the cursor disappear all together. Assume I am working on physical keyboard. If I close the keyboard and reopen it again, the cursor hides some where. How to resolve this issue? It is very irritating to open the mouse pad only because of cursor issue and it is not repeatable too to get a permanent quick solution. Any ideas on surface pro 3 laptops having issues while switching from physical keyboard to the on screen one? Please share your solutions.
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I am using Lenovo G580 laptop and I am unable to open my drive D; whenever I try to open drive D, I get this message "D: is not accessible. Access denied" Is there anyone experiencing the same problem? I can access all other drives but not drive D, Kindly help me?
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I have installed team viewer in three of the PCs I have. All the PCs have latest Team viewer versions and one of them has Windows 8 OS. The other two are running on Windows 7. One of the Windows 7 PC performs better and is always up to the mark even during low speed of internet. I have a good connection speed and hence have not faced any bad internet speed as such. But in the other, the team viewer application slows down and takes seconds to load the full screen image? I share the same internet across all the PCS and I never had problem with other two PCs. What might be the issue?
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I have dell Ultrabook laptop with good built in speakers. I used it very rarely and nowadays I have found a problem. Over a time I have found that the problem is repeatable. Straight to the point. When I start laptop and do not play any music for 20 minutes or more, I have to forget speakers in the laptop. If I play any video, only the video plays, but not its audio. But, if I start the laptop and play music immediately, then there won’t be any problem and I can hear to audio while checking video too. Hope i am clear with my question. Please let me know any solution if exists. Please do reply.
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I am looking to buy a laptop and this time I have decided to go with light weight and thin laptop available in the market, after full research on other forums and discussions, I believe I have made a right choice. I should try Apple laptop this time. My usage is as follows, some simulation software, C, CPP compilers, Keil software, adobe Photoshop, dream viewer and visual basic. Can anybody please help in suggesting the best laptop foe the above usage scenarios? I just need a minimal configuration which meets all these demands? Also, can someone share the cons of buying a second hand laptop?
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I have noticed that my 3 year old Dell laptop has a problem in power management. Either there is a problem in this laptop or this may ne common to all laptops in this series. So i am posting the issue to know more about it. Issue is this- once I put the laptop into sleep mode, I can see that laptop takes around 4-5 seconds and quickly goes to sleep. There is a LED for power which slowly glows and dims indicating laptop is sleeping. But while I try to wake up, by pressing power button, it doesn’t wake up at all! I have to press it long enough to put it in hard shutdown and only then carryon. Any solutions? Hints and help are appreciated.
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When I put my new Dell Inspiron 15.6 inch laptop to standby mode it goes to standby mode. Buy, later if I try to bring back to normal mode it takes about 3 -4 presses. I am shocked to see whether this already a malfunctioning power button problem or something to do with laptop hardware. I am confused because I don’t remember seeing this issue when powering on the laptop. My weak argument is that since the power button is hardware, it had to behave in the same way when it is shut down or when it is in hibernate mode. Please comment.
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