Hello everybody… I need your help to find me an application for PHP search engine script free download so that I could automatically scan and index web sites that I visited. I need it installation procedure as well. Thank you for helping me.
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Hello friends,
What is the php codes to open a pdf online? I was on the process of building my webpage about online storage upload such as word documents, pdf files and more. I am on the part which allows the user to open a specific file called pdf. I need some help.
Thanks and Regards,
Jeremy Jack.
- 2 answers
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How to create a blocker with php codes? Any ip blocker that will help me track those ip of the people who accessed in my forum from the time date and ip addresses. There are some user who registers in my forum and leave stupid questions and write unpleasant comments. I would like to block them to avoid those people.
Waiting for your support, thank you.
- 1 answers
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Does anyone know here I can download good free wap PHP scripts?
Many sites that promise free scripts contain malware & viruses.
- 2 answers
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Hello experts,
How to detect an anonymous email sender PHP script? I am creating a webpage that includes the help of PHP script programming language, I would like to know the codes on detecting some anonymous email sender. I am connecting my webpage to yahoo, Facebook and twitter. I hope you can help me.
Thank you.
- 1 answers
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Hello experts,
How to get sample for php search form mssql download? I just want to make a reference with any pdf form or Microsoft word that will give me some information on the coding style of php programming language connected to ms sql server. I hope you can help me.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hello experts,
About script register system php fusion. What is the script use for registration system in the webpage together with the help of php programming language? Can you share with me some important information that will possibly help me about a registration system such as facebook log in and registration system? Thank you.
- 1 answers
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How to create a php pop out form? Html connected to php programming language is not an easy task to do; it needs focus and dedication to get the work done. I would like to ask you if you are familiar with the codes for php pop out form, give me some ways to learn this and guide me along the process as well. Thank you.
- 2 answers
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I am searching for an IDE for windows that can be better compatible with windows and do not create any problem for me. If someone knows then please send me the URL of the Best PHP IDE freeware for windows, so that I can download and continue my work.
- 6 answers
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Hello experts,
How to verify free domain via php? When using a hosting domain what are the advantages and disadvantages of this? I would like to know about the verification process. Give me some instructions to be followed. I need to know more about domains.
Thank you.
- 2 answers
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