I have WordPress site.
Any one tell me how can i increase traffic at my site.
Want submit site to lot of directories.
- 7 answers
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Hi Guys,
I need help when writing yahoo in Google then pages appear in some order such as you can see this in below picture
here you can see mail, my portfolios, messenger etc.
And at many other site pages appear such as in above picture.
But when i write my site in Google those pages doesn't appear. I also want the same pages appear in Google when typing my site in Google. please any one tell me how can i do this.
- 2 answers
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Hi Guys Need Wordpress help,
I want show some pages at right side but when i add page widget then ( home, about us etc ) are also added these are pages at top. I don't want show these pages at right side i want some new pages at right side and i want those pages ( at top ) don't appear at right side and those pages that appear at right side don't appear at top. If anyone know its solution please tell me.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hi Guys,
I need some help
At this site you can see "PHP Live" Plugin. I need such type of plugin free of Cost. If any one know please tell me. Only that person give answer who use it because other person don't know what i am asking.
- 1 answers
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When I upload my websites to the hosting website that could make my website accessible to the world wide web,
I get some errors.
I am unable to login when using the same credential codes php/mysql that I always use to test my scripts out.
I log it in to my database using a local host.
I think that I need some IP address so that I could replace it.
But I have absolutely no idea on how to fix this problem.
Can you give me some advise?
- 1 answers
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Hi Guys,
I am trying to create Sub-Pages using wordpress theme but after creating sub-pages those sub-pages don't appear live at my site please any one tell me its solution.
I know sub-pages are supported by my theme but i don't know why sub-pages don't appear.
- 1 answers
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Anyone tell me how can I change the category order in WordPress.
I create some categories and after that I create some posts, but those posts don't appear according to my wish I want change order please anyone tell me its solution.
- 1 answers
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Hi Guys,
I am using Wordpress theme when i click at picture (copy image location) in Mozilla Firefox for copying image location then anyone know that i am using the theme.
Please any one tell me how can i hide this thing. I want picture can't know that i am using some theme.
Thanks for your time.
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I have a PHP application that sends email to the users. For most users this is just right.
However those users supported with Lotus Notes for their email client were receiving an email that show to start with the headers I enclose to the message. I have attempt changing the line ending but I can’t do it.
Has anybody had any idea why I am unable to change it? And how I can manage the email to work correctly?
Everything works with each other tested MTA, nothing works with notes.
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I have configured the UNIX ODBC tool for accessing the DSN settings. The problem is, php site does not get data even if it is opened. I need these files for ODBC connection purpose. Please help me with this. Thank you.
- 1 answers
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