What is the difference between POST and GET in PHP, and how can I access information sent through GET on a form and how about information sent through POST and how to exchange them, or if there's a software to do the exchange?

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Can you possibly add an element to an array with different data type such as an array of string added with an integer at the last index of the array?

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I have a project where a file of class grades will be saved in an excel file.

The system should allow a user to upload via PHP script and save the data into the database via MySQL.

I need help with it please

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hello i am php programmer and  i want to print one number series which could be start from any number and end to any number for example if i take 1-10 then my series should be like











but keep in mind that the number can be of any limit like it could be 1 to 1000 or any number of limit..

this is really so simple to print but we have some restrictions here

1. we need to use for loop only.

2. we cannot use like i+1 or 1+2 ,3 simple i++ in for loop for increment

3. we cannot use any if condition. or any other condition

4 we cannot create any another function  to check the codition

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Hello everybody,

I am new to PHP (self study) and i would like some help with mail() function.

I keep getting an error that i don't understand, and i am pretty sure i do it exactly as the book says with no syntax error or logical error. So please help me to fix this issue.

I uploaded an image of my code and the error.

Thanks for your help. 😀


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When to use mysql_pconnect()? How it is different from mysql_connect?

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I got this first error while installing zend server on my window laptop.

When creating your framework project: ‘”php.exe”‘ is not recognized as an internal or external command,

Operable program or batch file.

Can somebody answer this for me?

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While installing Joomla through "browser installation"  method, I get this error:

jtablesession::Store Failed
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'studenttest.jos_session' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_session` ( `session_id`,`time`,`username`,`gid`,`guest`,`client_id` ) VALUES ( '62e5d7bfa06b839af97f09d9f5527ebc','1317058297','','0','1','0' )
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 40 bytes) in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/studenttest/libraries/joomla/error/exception.php on line 117


my database name is "studenttest" and i have kept $db_prefix=jos_

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I searched a lot on the internet for how to make a flexible footer using CSS and HTML.

I mean by flexible : the footer is always at the bottom of the page no matter how long the content is.

I really didn't find a solution since the solutions solve only one problem at a time (when the content is short or when

it exceeds the height of the page.

please let me know if you have the answer?


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I am having some UI alignment problems in my new website.

Please see the attached screen shot.

I have made this website in PHP. Since it is my first PHP website do I don’t have enough idea about user interface of PHP.

My column and their header are not properly aligned with each other.

Can anyone please help?

  • 1 answers
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