Translator load error – ICERegions.htm & Server Model SSI.htm I am using Adobe Dream Weaver it is working properly today I update it. Then I restart my system and try to open Dream Weaver again but it is not working some time Dream weaver open and will close after some seconds and some time I click at this program then I receive below error.
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I’m new to XAMPP and I’d like to learn about it, some trial and error I guess. After I installed XAMPP version 1.7.4 which is using PHP 5.3.5, I need to upgrade the PHP version to the latest.
I downloaded newest PHP version (5.3.8) and then I replace the folder “C:xamppphp” with my new PHP version. But guess what, everything is not running well. I manage to shutdown my Apache service. But I could not start it again. I’ve tried start the apache service using XAMPP Control Panel and Services under Computer Management. Please take a look at the picture below.
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Hello all! I’m new to PHP. I’m about to learn programming in PHP, especially e-Commerce.
So I start to prepare the environment. I’ve installed XAMPP version 1.7.4.
Then, I downloaded Magento, for the e-Commerce application. When I started the installation process for a few steps or clicks, I found that my PHP from XAMPP failed to load some extension.
Here are the message:
PHP extension “mcrypt” must be loaded.
PHP extension “curl” must be loaded.
Where can I found those extensions and how to load them? Hope I found some solution here.
Thank you.
- 3 answers
- 1 votes
My computer OS is Windows XP and i was wondering if there is any way i can run PHP script on the computer?
I have just installed Wamp5 and have Apache and PHP now.
But I don't know what to do make the script work.
Can some one to help me to solve my problem.
Thank You.
- 4 answers
- 1 votes
I have a problem with PHP Script. Please help me if anybody knows? The requirement is when we get the student login form, it shows the username in the username text box if it available in the cookie else it just leaves a blank space for user typing". But when I run the script, It shows the following script "<?=$_COOKIE['username'] ?>" in the user text box which I used in the php file. How is it comes? I also sent attachment files php script, sql database. And also sent the error image here.
- 2 answers
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I want to learn PHP properly, it seems to be a master of PHP i so that later on i can learn PHP based CMS Joomla and Drupal, how should i teach myself. I need a guidance to become master of PHP, can anybody guide me ?
- 2 answers
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Hello export,
I have one confusion about cakephp's helper. Cakephp have two type of session helper:
1) SessionHelper
2) SessionComponent.
Both are use for same purpose of to navigating with session value.
So Question is Why should we use two different Session helper for one same task? Is it against MVC structure?
- 2 answers
- 2 votes
Study the following code :
<script language="php">
# Set a few variables
$site_title = "PHP Recipes";
$bg_color = "red";
$user_name = "Chef Luigi";
<title><script language="php"> print $site_title; </script></title>
<body bgcolor="<%=print $bg_color; %>" >
<?=$site_title; ?>
# Display an intro. message with date and user name.
print "
PHP Recipes | ".date("F d, Y")." <br>
Greetings, $user_name! <br>
- 3 answers
- 0 votes
I am using PHP CMS i.e Wordpress. I install it in my localhost. When I check the site, it shows an error message : [an error occurred while processing directive]. I capture the screen shot and put in this post. Help me if anybody knows.
[an error occurred while processing this directive] The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. [ an error occurred while processing this directive]
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hi all,
I have to change the display of the PHP files extension as html files like .html on the address bar on the browser. I am using the following code for this in text file and save it as .htaccess.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)-([0-9]+).html$ viewstudent.php?id=$2
RewriteRule aboutus.html$ aboutus.php
RewriteRule careers.html$ careers.php
RewriteRule services.html$ services.php
RewriteRule consulting.html$ consulting.php
RewriteRule enquiry.html$ enquiry.php
RewriteRule contactus.html$ contactus.php
- 2 answers
- 0 votes