I am working on SQL as part of a school project I am making. The front end is Java netbeans. I have two tables and I want to compare them and confirm that they have no similar records. How to compare 2 tables in sql?
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What is GPUpdate command? Where is it usable? Write some of its commands and explain them. Also, write the syntax of the Force Group Policy update cmd.
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What is JSONB binary, JSON storage in this DB? Can I use an Index key in this database? Describe about the performance of NUMERIC aggregates. Where is it different PostgreSQL 9.4 from Mysql 5.4 dB? Can this install on the MAC operating system? Can it import or export data by using this DB? Thank You
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What are operating systems needed to run a Postgre SQL database system? Does this run on windows platform? What are data types included? What is Maximum Database Size, Maximum Table Size, Maximum Row Size, Maximum Indexes per Table? Need a brief explanation of Cross platform and deployment. What are the advantages to useing Postgre SQL database system?
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Hi DBA, when I am trying to install PostgreSQL 9.1 got a peculiar error message, which I never experienced before. During the procedure the system restarts, I didn’t see the Postgresql on startup. I got this error message. So I was trying to retype the password in the server properties, but the problem persists. Help DBA’s?
Windows could not start the postgresql-x64-9.1 – PostgreSQL Server 9.1 service on Local Computer.
Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure.
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Hi to developers. I have developed a company database using postgresql queries as it has many advance features over SQL. But now I am looking for postgresql rc4 crypt code which can work with my database to secure data strictly. Please tell me how to achieve RC4 ENCRYPTION. Any suggestion or method?
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I am not familiar MS SQL with any version, so I don’t know what the tool name that like postgresql debugger query analyzer. Anyone can help?
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I have been using postgresql with pgadmin without any problems. But now I get Import Wizard error 9 when trying to import my xls file. It says "Subscript out of range". What are the possible workaround for this?
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I am facing problem about setting of SQL server,s email headers.
I am sending emails through SQL server so please guide me on setting email headers.
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Hi everyone,
I am actually new to PostgreSQL so pardon me for my question if it’s so simple. Is there a way to restore postgreSQL backup using a command line? The backup of the database has already been created and scp’d it already but I can only see files which are related to guis or pg_dumps. Can someone help me how to go along?
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