ProgScripting Languages
i have been using Samsung champ GT-C3303 for past six months.For the first three monts i was not having any java problem when i opened any application.But for the past three months,java error has made my life miserable.When i try to download a new application on my phone, the application gets downloaded but does not run and " java error" message flashes and the application shuts down.i have tried this many times but met no success.
please provide me with the solution if any as soon as possible.
- 2 answers
- 6 votes
Hi everybody!
I am a PHP web developer. I get some troubles using regular expressions for the form validation. It submits the form without validating the it.
The form contains the following fields 1) Name, 2) Address, 3) City, 4) State, 5) Country, 6) Email_ID, 7) Contact No., 8) Order. In that fields, except Address, State remaining fields are mandatory. We have to validate all these fields using JavaScript regular expressions. I cant find the error in the script I made. Please help me, I also attached the script here and inserted the image of the form for your reference.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
I am facing a problem in connecting datagrid with ado, the problem occurs in form load event. To further elaborate my problem here is code snippet along with its error message.
Kind Regards,
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
I have a problem with PHP Script. Please help me if anybody knows? The requirement is when we get the student login form, it shows the username in the username text box if it available in the cookie else it just leaves a blank space for user typing". But when I run the script, It shows the following script "<?=$_COOKIE['username'] ?>" in the user text box which I used in the php file. How is it comes? I also sent attachment files php script, sql database. And also sent the error image here.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
I want to learn PHP properly, it seems to be a master of PHP i so that later on i can learn PHP based CMS Joomla and Drupal, how should i teach myself. I need a guidance to become master of PHP, can anybody guide me ?
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Can anyone kindly help me to write a function for dynamic parameter passing in VB.Net and also state the limit of the parameters in such case?
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- 0 votes
Hi All,
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hi ,
We are using Microsoft communicator in our offices.
Now we are developing an application where we have all the users details of the organization in the web application.
We need to find the communicator presence status of the users so that necessary action can be taken.
This has to be implemented with java script.
How to do that?
Thanks in advance.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
We are going to create a report web form for a trading company where we require a grid inside a grid. Let us say if some user wants to see the number of trades in one grid and the details of the specific trade inside the another grid.
It will be like when user clicks on the row of the grid a child grid should opened displaying all the necessary details of the trade. All this needs to be implemented in with ajax. I am curious to know how we can implement this scenarios?
Thanks in advance.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hello export,
I have one confusion about cakephp's helper. Cakephp have two type of session helper:
1) SessionHelper
2) SessionComponent.
Both are use for same purpose of to navigating with session value.
So Question is Why should we use two different Session helper for one same task? Is it against MVC structure?
- 2 answers
- 2 votes