ProgScripting Languages

ProgScripting Languages

Hi! I was studying REGISTERS in ASSEMBLY language. Can anybody help me by guiding me on how many kinds of registers there are in assembly language? And which register is used for what purpose? I am also confused about why the AX register is always used for getting data from user and  why the DX register is used for displaying the content inside. Then for what purpose are the BX and CX registers used?

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Hi! I have studied this thing that stacks have only one opening for inserting values in it and deleting them from the same opening. Stacks use the method of LIFO(last in first out). But what KEYWORDS are used for inserting the values and for deletion as well? also explain that stacks can be used only in ARRAY or they can be used in LINKEDLIST also? 

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I am new in learning ASSEMBLY. I have a question in my mind: what is the difference between low byte and high byte; can anybody help me in explaining it diagrammatically showing both low byte and high byte in a 2 byte FRAME?

Also, how is data stored in these bytes? Does it depend on the data that will be stored in low byte or high byte OR anything else is also involved in it? 

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Hi! I want design a code for a TRIANGLE in such a way that first the code should ask for the three INPUTS from the user. The executer will check if all three sides are equal it will show a message that triangle is RIGHT-TRIANGLE. Otherwise it will show a message that enter three inputs again. This LOOP will be continued until you get RIGHT-ANGLE triangle.

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I want to make a code for a clock in which I think the counter will be used in such a way that after every 12 counts, it starts its counting again from 1 and it should also maintain seconds and hours separately. Again, all should be linked with each other. I tried designing the code but I am unable to maintain the seconds' counter loop with the hours and the minute loop.

Can anybody will help me through this?


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Hi guys,

I'm developing a system for our Human Resource Management. The system includes displaying of employee's profile with picture. But I got some trouble on the employee's picture. I have successfully stored it on mysql database, however, when I tried to retrieve it, an error occurred. MemoryStream parameter was not valid. Can anyone help me on this?Here is my code below:


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Hi guys,

I'm Pabz,,,i'm currently developing an application in c#. I have this problem I encountered few days ago. I tried to store an image in mysql and display it on a picture box. I want it to accept .jpg and .bmp format only and limit its size. Or it would be better if I let the user to crop it first before storing it. I want to store the image in the database not just the path of the image. Does any one have idea how to do this? Hope you can help me.

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How do you expose a LINE query as an ASMX web service? Usually, from the business tier, I can return a typed DataSet or DataTable which can be serialized for transport over ASMX.

How can I do the same for a LINE query? Is there a way to populate a typed DataSet or DataTable via a LINE query?

Code is attached.

How can I get the resultset of a LINE query into a DataSet or DataTable? Alternatively, is the LINE query serializeable so that I can expose it as an ASMX web service?

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I have Microsoft visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installed on Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2 , 1GB RAM, 30 GB of HD space, DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1024 x 768.

While I was trying to debug a stored procedure, I got this message:

There is no source code available for the current location

"There is no source code available for the current location"

I tried logging in as a Sysadmin, but the same error comes up.

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How can I make shapes through coding? Do they also include some specific header files or by using simple header files like


include< stdio.h>

include< codio.h>

we can create shapes? Also, is it possible to fill those shapes with different colors? If we have to use header files, then please tell me details of those header files?

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