ProgScripting Languages
This is making me go nuts. I am developing an onClick deployment desktop application. The application uses a local SQL Express data file.
Whenever I do a new build and release it, the old data gets obliterated! How can I save the data and then still use the program?
- 9 answers
- 23 votes
I am using a EJB project to access my MySQL database. I keep getting an error, "more than one row returned" when I run a select * from budget table.
- 10 answers
- 23 votes
I have a set of files saved as MHT. I need to programmatically process them and extract the information. How do I go about this?
- 9 answers
- 24 votes
I am having trouble with amount calculation in C#. I am doing an invoice program in C#. When I store a value and retrieve it back, the decimal values get rounded or an additional cent come in! I can not figure it out. I think the problem is with the data types that I am using.
- 9 answers
- 24 votes
I have taken an assignment on C++ which at first glance looked very simple. Just multiply 2 numbers! The teacher smiled at me. But now I realized why!
The numbers I have to handle are more than 30 digits. So I won’t be able to just use * !
Looks like I am in big trouble. How do I do such big number multiplication in C++.
- 6 answers
- 24 votes
Hi there,
I am learning coding in C++. I would like to start, by making a full functional calculator. All of them are pretty done but I want some more options which are present in a scientific calculator, like binary calculation. I don't see any function for this. So I guess I have to make one.
I have been trying to add the binary to decimal conversion. I know that the basic process is:
But how do I take the digits 1 at a time. Should I take the binary number as a string or by integer? Please help.
- 7 answers
- 23 votes
Hello Everyone,
I have created a connected graph, where each node represents some fact. The centre is the point of start. You may think of it as a mind map. I want to search the map in a Depth First Manner. I understand the concept but don't know how to apply it. Here is a pseudocode
dfs(vertex v)
for each neighbour w of v
if w is unvisited
add edge vw to tree T
- 8 answers
- 23 votes
I am doing some analytical program in C++ involving a lot of prime numbers. I don't think checking a number every time, whether it is prime or not would be a good idea.
So I just thought that if I could pre generate all the prime numbers in a list.
But it is taking too much. Time.
vector<int> prmn;
For (int i=2; I<100000; ++i)
If (isprime (I)) {
Almost 4-5 second. I hate to find it upto 1000,000.
Is there any better way?
- 7 answers
- 14 votes
Write a class to input the name of student and marks of three subjects, calculate the total marks as well as average marks. Each subject has a maximum of 100 marks.
- 8 answers
- 26 votes
We are currently developing a web application. This application allows the facility for a user, to compare documents side by side. There is a requirement to open the document inside Internet Explorer itself. Is this possible?
- 8 answers
- 29 votes