ProgScripting Languages
I need to design a module in Java for exchanging information between two web applications. I have been researching online on the methods available and came across Web Services, XML, Text and EDI. Looking towards the future, what will be most appropriate?
- 10 answers
- 27 votes
I am trying to write a function that cuts a sentence to its words. And print them back words. I have been doing something like this:
- 6 answers
- 25 votes
I want to make a software that scans an Image (admission form) and identifies the Text within its fields. And puts them in some File. I am doing this in C++. I have some little experience with opencV but not as much as is required to do the OCR thing. So I realized a solution. Call an external Command Line tool which converts an image to text. Then my program just needs to fetch the required data from the text file. Its kind of funny I believe, I don't actually know if I have any other options in hand. So my question is:
"Is there any API sort of thing that can be called from my program to convert an image to text?"
- 5 answers
- 26 votes
I am a student of CSE. I am currently beginning to program with java using netbeans. I know some C++. I am now doing a project where I have to call some other program, from within the java program. I know there is a function in C/C++ called system("program.exe"), which can call an external exe. I have used it too. Is there any way I can do something in java?
- 5 answers
- 24 votes
I am setting up a web application on my machine. It uses EJB to access the data in a MySQL database. When I attempt to access the website, I get an EJB exception saying, "could not create a connection". I checked all configuration files but they look alright. Please help me to get to the bottom of this problem.
- 10 answers
- 24 votes
Write a program that declares a structure, to store data of a student. The program should define a structure variable, input the values and then display these.
- 7 answers
- 24 votes
The application we are developing requires to find the levels of authority for a given user. The levels of authority follows a hierarchical tree like structure. An employee can have any number of supervisors. In order to traverse the tree structure, it is proposed to use recursion or a loop. What would be better?
- 7 answers
- 25 votes
I am new to programming with OOP C++. And I have an issue understanding. I need to work on a program with Constructors and destructors. Guide me with the detail concept of Constructors and destructors in classes. Can someone guide me on how to do this with OOP C++?
- 8 answers
- 14 votes
How can we access the array elements? I am working on loops but there is a problem in the code, every time I have to initialize “I” to the next value when I want to store any value in the array. Is it right way to assign values to an array? Int marks[5]; Int i=1; Marks[i]=5; i=2; Marks[i]=4; If yes then tell me how can I access the values from the array when I want to display the value of specific index?
- 7 answers
- 14 votes
I am currently attempting to write a shell script to backup a MySQL database. The requirement I have is to retain only 3 days of backup files on the server. All I presently could do is to use mysqldump utility to write it to a file on the server. How do I implement a 3 day rolling backup?
- 7 answers
- 11 votes