

Hello experts,

I am quite new in web scraping and Python. Recently I have been looking for some easy to follow tutorials over the net. Can someone please suggest a easy to follow video tutorial for

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I am new to Python and have started with basic Integrated development environment. I will take three inputs from the user and they will the radius of the circles, number of circles and the color. Finally my job is to choose a suitable background based on the circle color and draw those circle with the radius mentioned and create a image. I am very new to this and if somebody can guide me towards image creating in python, i will be greatly thankful. Also, let me know if other python wrappers are available for the same purpose.

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I would like to open up a window to display the response for the user enters value in the HTML page. I do not know how to make this happen as I have never done this. I could run some apps get data from the user store it in database on server. Validate it and post some response to that. But I do not know how to open the window,how to set the size and position. Will it be treated as a pop up? Can any body share a code snippet to open a dummy window?

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I am getting multiple errors and all in Tkinter basically. I am a newbie in this and have no clues what are these errors. Hence i started on reading on Tkinter first. The error messages starts with “Exception in Tkinter call-back” and pops so many errors which i do not know about. What is Tkinter function? How to use that function? How to avoid errors in Tkinter function? I am creating a project for learning colours for children using python. Thank you for your great help.

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Can I have a simple and easy way to to schedule an automatic HTTP request to an address like according to a rescheduled time so that i can automate some of the requests from client and the server, while the client can enter some power down modes reliably? I have heard about CRON but never used it. What is CRON in python/javascriting and how to make use of it in my requirement? any code snippets is greatly appreciated. The outcome of request can be some more HTTP requests and it is acceptable.

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I am facing this issue in python version 2.7. I am running a python script to create and collect multiple data from user and finally as a wrapped i add some details on the session which includes the group members name, topic of the discussion and a few database created in the session in the table formats. I want to generate pdf in the final stage. But when i call Saveas2 function, it successfully opens the save a window but also brings a error window telling command failed. What might be the reason?

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I'm looking to write a Python GUI that shows: a list of checkboxes, a graph (of the checkbox data).

Which Python library would be good for that (looking for simplicity, free of charge, basic requirements)? The main requirement is that user can modify the parts of the graph in any way he wants to.

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I want to create a SOA with Django.

I am trying to understand what the result would come up if I choosed to separate and insulate models into apps, to provide the REST API for accessing those apps and after that to create other apps which basically use the REST API to use data and perform operations on the models (DB).

  • Which other useful Django features would I lose?
  • Is there a work-around through this without exposing the models to other Apps?
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On numerous sites about learning  python I have encountered sentences saying that python should be learned by those who want to do scientific calculations or something similar. What makes python as a programming language a better tool for science than the other programming languages?

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Hi! I am new to python programming language but I have worked on previous programing languages before, some of which are C, C++, C#. Can someone suggest some good and helpful books to learn python from beginner level to expert level. I have also heard that python's OOP is somewhat complicated. Is it true? Please tell me the name of the software as well which can be used for python.

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