Hi, I have a web scrapping python code and i wanted to integrate it with a Google app script such that the information it collects can be populated on a Google spreadsheet online. So if you know of any good simple library i can use to achieve this, please help
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Does anyone know how to create a method in python that that listens for mouse clicks and returns the x and y coordinates when clicked (and not clicked to track mouse movements) on the desktop and also if possible plot the mouse tracks on a white paper ? or if you know of any python library
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Hi, im new to python programming and i wanted to add some sentences i collected from the internet using some other python script into an array so that i can access the last word of the sentence to build to build a simple vocabulary assuming that the last word of each sentence is a noun
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Hello, I would like someone to help me find some tutorials on Python programming. I am not looking for any ordinary tutorial but a specific tutorial that you have used to enhanced your productivity whenever you program in Python. Please where can I find such tutorial if it exist and how long did it take you to complete the tutorial?
- 1 answers
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This is for all python programmers. I would like you to assist me find some python scripts that you found useful in carrying out your programming. Which particular scripts are your favorites and how do you deploy these to perform some tasks for you? Can I develop my own scripts and how do I begin?
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I have this code
print “/ *”, your_name.upper () “* /”;
your_name where the data entered by the user. How can I change the above code to tell the system, remove all spaces
UPDATE: When I print the code, I will
/ *! your_name * /
I want / remove spaces between Whit *! your_name * /
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I think I missed something and this error appeared. I double checked everything and I can’t figure out what I missed. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong that created this error ? Could this be an error from the program ?
Regards experts !
Syntax error
There’s an error in your program: ECL while scanning single quoted string.
- 1 answers
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Once Python is installed, I have this IDE. For now, I’m using PyScripter as my Python IDE and this error appeared. Can anyone help me please to fix this error with Python ? What I did wrong ? During the install no error appeared.
Thanks !
Python could not properly initialized. We must quit.
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I have Python open when I want to install this package for it. I don’t know why is not recognizing the installer and it should be because is downloaded from a trusted website and it supports this version of Python. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ? Why is not working ?
Thanks !
Package Center
Please run ‘Python’ before installing this package.
- 1 answers
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Hi there,
Python shows this IDLE error when I work with the program. Is not the first error that the Python creates but I can say that the reinstall is not helping. Is there anyone who can help me please to solve this error ? Why I have these errors ?
Thanks !
IDLE Error
Unable to update Recent Files list. [] Permission denied:
- 1 answers
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