


I just made a clean install on Python and this exception appears in Hello World. I didn’t expect to have any error with this clean install. What creates this error? What should I do to avoid these errors that I cannot solve ?

Thank you !


‘mbcs’ codec can’t encode characters in position0—1: invalid character

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Hi there,

I got this error while saving the player editor and Python library. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong with this ? Last time when I made the changes everything worked just fine and now with this I checked twice the data and still ? Any solution ?

Thank you !

Cx_Freeze: Python error in main script (traceback unavailable)

Error in sys.excepthook.

Exception: None Type object has no attribute ‘write’

Original Exception: DB content identifier does not match expected value of “Assets1” (Got Assets2)

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IDLE tries to run shell window if line is completed with F5 rather than Enter and I think this caused an error. I don’t know what I’ve missed and why my syntax is invalid. Any ideas about this error ? What is creating this one ?

Thank you !

Syntax error

There’s an error in your program invalid syntax.

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Hi there,

I don’t know why Python cannot be found in the registry when I want to install a package. I have the version 2.6 of Python and the program is working just fine. Any solution ? Why I have this error when I want to install the package ?

Thank you !

Cannot install

Python version 2.6 required, which was not found in the registry.

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Hi there,

This error tells me that I have entered an invalid syntax. I am a newbie using Python but I have followed a tutorial and this syntax worked just fine there. Can anyone tell me please what I did wrong ? Why is not working like in the tutorial ?

Thanks !

Syntax error

There’s an error in your program: invalid syntax.

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Hello experts,

This error occurs during the install of Python on my Windows 7. The installer is downloaded from a trusted website and is fully compatible with Windows 7 on 64 bit. What could cause this error ? Can anyone help me please ?

Thanks !

Python 2.7.3 setup

An error occurred during the installation of assembly ‘Microsoft.VC90.CRT,version = “9.0.210228”,publicKey Token = “1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b”. processorArchitecture = “x86”, type = “win32”.

Please refer to Help and Support for more information.

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Hi guys, I have a python dictionary which I want to store in to MySQL actually its my project which I took from my friend and I need to do this within a week and I want to skip the long work and want to know is there any program or software which can do this or any online website where I can find easy solution to this.Please help me

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Hi Pro experts,

When I am working in Python, I got his error message before running the program. I know that syntax error means there is some error with the commands. The error message states EOL so I checked the End of Line. But I am not able to find any error to my knowledge. I am just a beginner so please guide me. Thanks.

There’s an error in you program:

EOL while scanning single-quoted string

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Hi Expert Friends,

Friends I got this warning error message when I try to embed a c function in python script. I am just a beginner so this kind of error makes me more tired, need help badly. I have doubt whether the coord always tuple? What is wrong with the program? Please assist me to solve the error. Your help is appreciated.

An error occured running python_fu_pattern_cubic

SystemError: new style getargs

format but argument is not a tuple

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Hi all,

I am getting this error in Python; I am beginner so please guide me to solve this error. I think this is kind of syntax error am I correct. I got this error message before running the program. Please help me to find the typing mistake in the program and fix it. How I can fix the mistake in the program? Thanks.

Tabnanny Tokenizing Error

Token Error EOF in multi-line statement


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