

Hi! When I’m trying to download some file from an online backup driver, but I’m continuously receiving this 0x800700df error code followed by ‘The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot

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I am developing a website with Ruby on Rails and facing some problems with API. I am creating a playlist based on user’s interest, where user can interact with it. I have heard of the usage of RSpotify that it can solve problems related to playlist. Can somebody explain usage of RSpotify with some basic and simple example? I know that it renders data in JSON format, but not properly aware of how is it helpful in my case. Also please explain how it validates a user’s account.

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I am facing this problem when I am trying to edit a record. My requirement is simple, as soon as the user enters his or her name I have to check the field user_name and confirm the user that there is no matching name in database if there is no matching database. If it matches, I have to inform him or her the same. I am trying to use contract.exists?params([:user_name]) but it always return false irrespective of the value entered. I am using Ruby on rails for the above. I need simple code to check the database so that I will avoid duplicate entries which is compulsory requirement.

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I am using ruby on rails and I would like to know if it is possible to implement a form where user can register if it is first time visit, and login if he has already registered. The user will enter username and password and send a POST. It will be verified in the back ground and will allow the user to login if it is validated successfully. Currently i am facing error in authgem. I am trying to use JSON request and response to achieve my objective. So, this is basically a login page for the user to access my website. Is there any other solutions available? Thanks

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I am trying to create a count down timer in Ruby which displays time in the following format
00 : 30: 28,
00 : 30: 27,
00 : 30: 26,
00 : 30: 25… And so on. What is the way to achieve this? If I use , load the value to a variable and display it, I still cannot achieve the above requirement format of count down. I want to display only the time remaining but not the entire date and time which I am getting now with the use of feature in a on Rails. Can any beautiful mind help me in correcting what I have misunderstood? Thank you for your time and please reply if I ned to give some details.

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Okay. This the background. I am trying to create different image patterns and merging them into one. I am using MiniMagick and it is a ruby wrapper for Imagemagick. I get the following message: unable to clone cache `/tmp/magick-1r313oY0′: No space left on device. What might be the reason? I am now simply trying to convert an color image into grayscale but this error is stopping me to proceed with my different image patterns design. Ruby is fine as I am able to run other programs easily. Thank you very much for your quick responses.

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I have created a very basic Ruby application that works totally okay inside the Heroku console (heroku is being run by the myapp.rb). I want to know the idea of making it run fully autonomously? I do not want Heroku console as a wrapper so that I can run my basic application I have just created make a independent application which can run with out any dependencies. This is actually only a basic application which reads a little news or updates from a website and emails the content to a predefined client. Simple. What should I put in CONFIG files. What should be the PROCFILE. Can any body please help in this regard. I will update you all if I get any success. Thanks for helping.

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How to create a custom function to generate an output which will be a random number between two numbers. The two numbers can either be given by the user, or can be read from an existing array. Here are some conditions which I will explain with examples. I may want to generate a random number between 11 and 33. 11 inclusive and 33 exclusive. Similarly a random number between 42 and 52 both numbers exclusive etc. Hope i have stated the problem correctly and clearly. Can any body please guide me on random numbers on ruby on rails?

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Does any software for integrated development for Ruby on Rails exists? I'm familiar with just ruby IDEs but is there any built especially for Rails? Is there maybe an IDE with some extensions for Ruby on Rails to help me develop Ruby on Rails applications? Also, I want to know what are the alternatives to my question?

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Why is Ruby not installing on my Laptop? I just started learning Ruby general purpose programming Language and installing it on my laptop is posing a lot of challenges. I have tried many implementations of Ruby and none seem to be working on my laptop. What implementation of Ruby can be installed without Xcode?

  • 2 answers
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