

Hello guys

I make an attempt to scan with Solution center to HP C7280. All are present on Windows 7 operating system virtual engine on an iMac. Without a problem I am able to print as well as copy with HP Solution Center but I receive an error message while trying to scan with another computer or software.

Tried to reboot, reinstall Solution Center, try to remove printer from iMac etc. When printer is connected via wireless it pops up an initial error message saying that it is not the same network and when it is installed in the Windows environment it proceed neglecting that error, all functioning except scanning. 

Does the HP C7280 has a defect or is it the software? Any suggestions to solve this would be greatly appreciated.

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Evening to you all, while trying to scan a Pdf file today, I received an error message that recommended that I reinstall the software for my scanner HP J6400 Series. I however did not successfully reinstall it given that the process faulted after starting; this was after I’ve uninstalled it completely. How do I correct the system path to complete this installation process?

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I want to buy a scanner for my business use, I looked over a lot of sites.

And I found this "HP Scanjet N9120 Document Flatbed scanner", I want some opinions about this scanner.

Is this suitable for business users, is it fast and reliable?

How much is its daily duty cycle?

And I also want to know its power consumption?

  • 2 answers
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I considered my sel as Star Wars Fanatic I want to buy this Star Wars R2D2 USB by Cufflink.

What is the especial feature of this R2D2 USB and its advantage among the other USB ?

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I need help in finding the best scanner that can scan high quality images and still produce the same quality image as the original. Also, a scanner that can scan films will also be beneficial. Any scanner brands regardless of price will be accepted.



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What are 3D scanners? And are they good for eyesight? Can anyone please provide instructions on how to install 3D scanners?

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I'm trying to scan 5 2×2 pictures but it doesn't seem to work. Is there something wrong with what I am doing? Are there settings in my scanner that will help in scanning multiple images? I'm using Epson 3170 scanner.

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When using Retina Scans, I always get an error everytime I attempt to scan one of our Windows Xp computers! How can I fix this?

  • 1 answers
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Hello there techyv experts!

I am planning to buy a scanner next week for my work.

The problem is, I'm not really into computers and other devices.

I just want to ask you guys your help on these.

What specifications should I look at when buying a good scanner?

Thank you so much.

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Good Morning.

I really need someone with good IT knowledge to help me understood and solve this problem occurring on my Scanner.

Above is the error message appearing . I need someone to tell me what causes this.

What will I do to solve this error?

Thank you.




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