Storage Technology

Storage Technology

How I’m so excited to see that this latest Samsung Ivy Bridge series 5 laptops will be affordable, target will be students on at the back-to-school set with its low prices.


As it was still the same graphics as expensive model has.

I would like to know, what are those applications or software includes on Samsung Ivy Bridge series 5 laptops, and what would be the exact date of the release in the market?

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Is a Solid State Drive With a LAMD controller is better than one without the controller ?

What points should I keep in mind before buying a Solid State Drive ?

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I am a start up record producer. I am using free accounts provided by and

I use to store personal data while is intended for professional use.

How is this merger by and affect my access?

Am i going to have a single username to access both sites? 

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I have been getting Low memory messages on Sony Vegas Pro 9 and 10. I have both these Sony Vegas models in 64 bit configuration. Now I am not sure but I think that 64 bit computer do not detect RAM over 2 GB. I have 4 GB modules on both of these computers, and I am still getting low memory error.

However same amount of RAM on my 32 bit machines have never given me such an error. This makes me wonder if it has something to do with the computers being 64 bit. I am sure some of you know the truth of it.

Thank you. 

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Is the price of the newly developed product of PQI (a hardware manufacturer) which is a storage device card and at the same time with wifi connectivity affordable to the consumers?


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Intel announced SSD 300 series drives but it seems like 180GB is the biggest one.

Is there anything bigger out there?

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I've read about new Panasonic MicroP2 storage cards. Is it true that we are going to have to wait another year for it to come out?

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Electronics giant LG has confirmed the launch of a multi-platform cloud based storage device. What is a cloud based storage device and what is the specialty of this kind of storage device? Is it LG who first launched cloud based storage device?

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Security and Privacy is the biggest concern in cloud computing. Many want to keep their sensitive information on cloud servers.

What ways can cloud server vendor prevent security breach and what could be the effect once privacy is violated in cloud server in business?

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The only voice authenticating USB Drive or the Voice USB is now available in the market, which you can set a password in your flash drive by using your own voice. Will this Voice USB work on older version of Microsoft Operating System like Windows XP?

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