Storage Technology
Hi. Can you please let me know about the requirements for the active directory for Mac os x and the steps to be followed so as to join my Mac OS X PC to the Active Directory? Please reply ASAP. It is urgent.
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Hi. I want to start using ADManager plus’s active directory last logon date tool. Can you please suggest what is required for using it effectively? Also, how can I use this tool and run it using Powershell?
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It is a common problem for windows systems, we see that it is showing that our pendrive or external hard drive has data but when we open it there is nothing and we have lost all write privileges of the device. How can we practically solve this the easy way?
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How to get the information from the pen drive which shows only shortcut and if the information is lost that is present in it??
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if all your memories and your work that is saved in a hard drive; gets crashed, how is then data recovery from a crashed hard drive done without spending much time and money on it?
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What is data backup? I want to know more about data backup solutions for home. How can I create a backup of my PCs?
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Hi everyone, Recently, I have learned about Disk Cloning as another method of Backing up your Data. I need someone’s help in finding the Best Free Disk Cloning Software. Satisfactory and quick help will be appreciable.
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Hello all,
I have accidentally deleted some files from my Mac. I want to retain them as soon as possible. I request the experts to help me find the Best Data Recovery Software Mac.
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I have heard good things about the Sun StorageTek SL24, which is a Tape Autoloader and I am considering buying it. But it is a little more expensive than I was thinking of, so I need to know it is good enough to shell out that much money.
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Hi, I own a tape library and it has some important data which I cannot lose. Thus, I need to know about a good and efficient tape library backup software. Please only answer if you have used the software yourself.
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