System Utilities

System Utilities

Hey guys,

I have been running a maintenance scan routinely early in the morning and sometimes in the evening and I keep getting this error message;

Tune-up System Optimizer

Resource IDB_BALLOON_INFO not found.




Am not sure but seems to  be disrupting the scan. Got clues guys?


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I need install this important software, but I can’t install it. Because Windows say that the system cannot find any file specified. Why I see this error message? Can you have any solution?

If you have the solution then please share here. Error message is:


Error loading C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM/ctrlpan.dll

The system cannot find file specified.


Thank you.

The system cannot find file specified.

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Hi I see an error message when I am writing some file. I use Windows XP service pack-2 in my computer.

Windows always say that you need to verify access to that directory. I tried many times but same result. So I need little help to solve this problem.This is error message

"Error 1304. Error writing to file:C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/THBlmg45.dll.

Verify that you have access to that directory."

If you have solution, please provide me for solving this error.

Thank you.

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Hey guys,

I’ve been having this problem after installing v4.00. Now whenever I start up my computer I get this error message pop up:

DAEMON Tools Initialization error. This program requires at least Windows 2000 with SPTD 1.21 or higher.


Initialization error.

This program requires at least Windows 2000 with SPTD 1.21 or higher. Kernel debugger must be deactivated. Is there a solution that doesn’t involve me formatting my hard disk and getting a new OS.


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Hi, I need a assistance for help.I need to install Windows XP in my computer. But I faced a problem in Install. Always show error message when installing Windows XP. So i want help for installing Windows XP. Can you help me? I see this error message.

"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance". 

Please help me. Thank you

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Hello dear. I am also a new computer user. I have no enough experience about computer. I faced a problem.

I need to install a converter software, but I cannot install it. Because it always show an error message on my computer.

Run-time error 380,

Invalid property value.

Please help me about this problem.

Thank you 

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Hello dear,

I can't login on Windows Live Messenger. 

It always show this error message.

We can’t sign you in to Windows Live Messenger.

Error code: 800702e4

How can I solve this problem? 

Anybody knows this? If anybody knows this error solution, please help me with your answers. 

I attached an image for you to understand clearly.

I need solve this problem quickly.  Please

Thank you

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I downloaded a zip file from my email containing bulk of pictures jpg pictures to be exactly.

When I tried to extract the pix, somewhat message appears saying that it cannot open the file because it was in use.

How could it be in use, if I was just extracting it from being zip?

Here’s the message I got from extracting those files.

WinRAR: Diagnostics messages


" " cannot open <filename>

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

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I’m trying to send my files specifically jpg pictures into compress zip folder but this message “ File not found or no read permission”  appears which blocked the zip processing, this files consist of 174 jpg pictures which I need to divide for about less than 25mb for much organize and clean email processing. I need to do this way for this is the instruction given by my client.

This message appears blocking the zip processing.

So please help. I’m using windows 7, for I'm having a hard time zipping files just for these error.

My files are located on the desktop much easy to find.

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Hi, I have facing a problem while trying to install Citrix MetaFrame presentation server for windows on a machine where Windows Server 2003 is running,

Installer Information

Citrix MetaFrame Presentation server for Windows can only be installed on Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003 with terminal Service running in application server mode. Setup will now exit.

Need help from any expert ones to get rid of this problem

  • 1 answers
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