System Utilities
Hi. Due to the pop-ups on the Window which appear now and then, I get very irritated. How to get rid of pop-ups on my computer? Please suggest a good way to remove them. Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
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Hi. I have tried to zip all the files so as to compress it and send it via e-mail. But, it is not working. How to create a ZIP file? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
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Hi. I am a student currently in standard twelve. I want to know how to convert XPS to PDF. Please suggest me some simple steps how to go about doing it? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
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I have bought a new dell laptop. I do not have a tv at my house and I think it is possible to watch movies on my laptop instead? How can i watch movies on my laptop?
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Many PDF documents contain forms.We might need to fill it to move ahead with our work.Most of us take out a printout and fill it manually.But this is a waste of time and makes our form look unprofessional.What if we want to fill out a pdf form on our computer?
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I have a computer for work at the office and a different computer at home. It is time saving of I can transfer files between the two. How can I share files between two computers?
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I have Windows 10 on my Dell PC with a 64-bit setup. How do I repair my computer’s corrupted system files using the command? The desktop shows the blue screen without any icons on it. I am afraid if it is a blue screen of death.
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I am planning to sell my computer as I want to buy a new laptop. Formatting will help me to delete my information, and it won't go to anyone else. How can I format my computer?
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My computer has become slow. It often hangs on for several minutes at a time. It takes a long time to boot. How can I clean out my computer?
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Hi. I am a Windows user. I would like to know the steps to learn how do I install Windows defenderso as to use it offline. Also how can I check if the defender is turned on or off? Thanks in advance.
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