Hi techyv,
Where to find the scroll touchpad for laptop driver?
I have to find the proper location of the touchpad drivers so that I can be able to check if there are some missing files in the installation.
The touchpad of my Acer laptop is not working anymore.
Just started to worry last week.
Hoping for your help. Thanks.
- 1 answers
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Hi to everyone,
A problem with Samsung tablet video codec ac3. A codec is needed for my ac3 or Ace combat 3 video game. It seems like the sound was mute even if I turned the volume high. Maybe there is an audio issue between the Samsung tablet and the ac3 game, is the game compatible with Android Os? Please share with me your ideas and suggest some possible solution.
Your suggestion is very much welcome.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hello fellows,
What is the problem if touchpad not working LG? There are some times that I cannot move my touch pad in my LG laptop. I am just curious what is the main cause of this problem and how can I get rid of this. To all expert in hardware and in any technical issues, please do give some advice or suggestion.
Allison Davy.
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
What are the main variations of the driver for fujitsu pen that makes the peripheral not work on both Windows platforms of XP and 7, and is there a universal driver that could solve this issue?
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
Hi to everyone,
How can I possibly unlock pdf for tablet? There are some files which is zipped in a .rar format, those are pdf forms. The sender keeps it secure in a way that it was locked. I don’t have any idea how to unlock or open the file. I need a step by step instruction to be followed to view the files in my Samsung galaxy tab.
Your suggestion is very much welcome.
- 2 answers
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How can I change the lock screen font color of CM 9?
- 1 answers
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Hello friends,
There is a problem with the codec for android tablet downloads. The codec which I downloaded for free are not working with my android tablet, I guess there is something wrong about the compatibility of the codec.
Can you give me some important information about this matter?
Thanks and Regards,
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
Hi to everyone,
How to perform hp touchpad clear history? I am using mozilla firefox internet browser in my hp touch pad gadget, how will I be able to clear the history? I want to be more secure with my username and password accounts.
Thank you.
- 1 answers
- 0 votes
How to set up Samsung galaxy tab japanese input? I got some difficulties changing the default language for my Samsung galaxy tab gadget; trying new language input such as Japanese is very interesting. Give me some instruction to be followed to get Samsung galaxy tab japanese input.
Timothy Raine.
- 2 answers
- 1 votes
Hi guys,
Is there a cc cleaner for android tablet? My brother’s android tablet was not yet scanned for many days and I’m afraid of getting some viruses from my internet download. I would like to check and scan it using some cc cleaner software.
Expecting some help, thank you.
- 2 answers
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