Virus & Spyware

Virus & Spyware

Hey people,

I have an Antivirus installed on my PC. I think its Malware Database is outdated. I want to perform an online Malware Scan and looking for the Best Free Online Malware Scan Software.

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Hi. Though I have an antivirus installed in my PC, it is not working properly from a few days because the PC has slowed down and I cannot even find out the reason why. Whenever I put the computer on full scan, it does not show any abnormalities either nor does it report a problem-related to the websites I visit. Can you please suggest me a way to check a website for malware? Thanks in advance.

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I am using a Windows 2000 computer and as an anti virus software, I am using McAfee VirusScan Plus. But it is not very compatible with Windows 2000. Now I am looking to replace mcafee with a more compatible anti virus software. Can someone suggest a good anti virus for Windows 2000?

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Hi. I want to install an antivirus on my PC. However, I am unable to decide which one is better among antivirus vs. anti-malware. Also, what is the difference between the two? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

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I am using Kaspersky security center 10,and I have run into a problem while doing so. I am trying to install updates. Due to time constraints, I need to do several at once. But because of the Windows time limit, I cannot take longer than 10 minutes. Because installing multiple updates takes longer than 10 minutes the system constantly interrupts while I am working. Please help with this problem.

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Hi. I have been trying to connect to the virtual machine but repeatedly failing. Also, the VMRC session is opening with the vSphere web client but not with the vSphere client. Every time the following error is being shown on the screen: VMRC console has disconnected. Attempting to reconnect. Can you please help me with the same?

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I have recently installed a server and I am using it to store files. It is a Home server and had lots of media files. Also, it is connected to all my home appliances creating a PAN. I want to protect it from any incoming viruses. Is there any free antivirus server 2012?

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I have a Windows Server 2012 and I need an antivirus to protect my server from viruses. Spending amount on an antivirus should not be necessary. And I am not willing to spend any money on it. Is there any free antivirus for Windows server 2012?

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I am using a 2012 server for simple purposes. I use this server majorly for testing purposes. I am not willing to spend money on antivirus since the server does not yet have any major usage. Is there any free antivirus for server 2012?

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Hi, I installed Windows 8 on my laptop computer a month ago. Since then, I’ve been having issues related to configuration of system and many of the programs in the PC. My friend told me I might have a virus called the trusteer endpoint protection virus. What is the this virus ?

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