Visual basic
Hello experts.
I really need your help on this one. I have been creating a VB program and all its left are the trappings on it.
I wanted to disable the special characters to be inputted on the text field to avoid mismatch errors.
What would be the code to disable the special characters?
Hoping for your answer.
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I want some text written in VB 6.0 in a textbox.
How can I make sure not to edit it.
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I want to add backup and restore function in my VB6.0 project. I want the program to create a backup folder containing the backup file of my access database in drive C: of my computer upon clicking the backup button.
I also want to add restore function so that if I accidentally deleted the to my backup folder, I can restore it.
Please let me have the simplest code for this. Thanks.
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I want to code a validation in VB6.0 login form. I want the program to terminate when the user entered a wrong username or password three times. In addition, the program will return an error message stating "You are not a valid user. The Program will be terminated" . All I need is a sample code for this. Thanks
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I am a newbie in learning visual basic 6.0 and I'm creating a login form for my visual basic project. I want to hide the password character on the textbox but I don't know how to do that. I want the * symbol to appear instead of my input. I need a little help with it.
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I am new in learning visual basic 6.0 and I'm having trouble coding a search function in VB6.0. I want the program to let the user enter a data in search textbox and then it will filter the data by the first string of the input and display all the filtered data in a datagrid.
the user typed A, all of the data in my database that is starting with the letter A will appear in the datagrid.
Please show me some codes for this.
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I'm using windows 7. I installed visual basic 6.0 in my laptop but I can't drag the object to the form faster.
The movement of the mouse is smooth. I try using VB6.0 in another laptop with windows XP O.S. and it works normally.
Why VB6.0 is slow in windows 7 but can run normally in windows XP and what will I do to speed it up when I want to use windows 7 as my O.S.?
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What is the function of packaging and deployment wizard in visual basic 6.0 and where can I use it? It is essential and useful in visual basic 6.0 programming?
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Do form1.Hide and Unload me function in visual basic 6.0 is the same?
Private sub command1_click
Unload me
End sub
Private sub command1_click
End sub
I notice that they're both making the form disappear but I was wondering what is their differences?
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I want to calculate the total of my overall sales in my datareport using visual basic 6.0 but I don't know how to code that.
This is an example of the display that appears in my datareport.
customer name product name quantity price total
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