Visual basic

Visual basic


I would like to know what are the data types that I can use in Visual Basic 2015? What is “Long” and “Single”? What are the ranges of its value? Can a string contain numbers and characters? What about integer? Can it contain both number and character also? What is double? What are the ranges of double type? What does it represents? What is Boolean type? What values we can store with this data type? How is it implemented? Can you help me with this?

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I would like to know more about MsgBox functions in VB2015. Can you please describe and enumerate the named literal for MsgBox buttons that I can use? What are the values I can use and describe it to me fairly? What are the message box icons I can use to notify the program user about the actions requested? Can you provide me a sample message box implementation and explain to me how it works? Why do we have to use the “+” sign every time in programming?

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I want to learn how to use message box in VB 2015. What is the use of prompt? What is the proper way to use title? Can you show me example and how to implement it? Please explain it to me also? What is xpos and ypos arguments? What is the use of helpfile and context arguments in a message box? Can you tell me what are the controls I need to use in creating a program with MsgBox? What are the properties I need to set? How is it implemented? Thank you!

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I want to know what is the use of functions? What are the different syntaxes that I can use for the functions? Can you provide me description for each function? What is the use of input box? Can you show me the declaration using an input box? What do you mean by CSng? What is the use of it? What is the meaning also of LCase? What is the use of it in VB program? Why do we always have to use “Val” in declarations or syntaxes?

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I want to know what is the meaning of concatenation? What is the difference between integer and string data types? I would like to create a program in VB 2015 that will display the value of textbox and adding like Hello your name is—“ What are the controls I need to use to make this program work? What are the properties that I need to change at runtime to make it work? For the command, what are the declarations I need to provide to make this run successfully? Thank you!

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It is really exciting to learn programming languages. I want to know what is variable? What is textbox control? What are the commonly used properties of this control? Can I use numerical values and string values in textbox control? How can I create a program that will display inputted text and display after pushing control in the window or form? What are the declarations used? Can you explain it to so I have better understanding at runtime?

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I want to create a program in Visual Basic 2015. I want to create a program that will change the color of label while pushing some controls. What are the controls that I need to use that must be included in the form? What is the equivalent values of R-G-B? I want to add more features, If am going to click the “x” or close button, I want to post message about me or anything to make it more interactive to user. Can I use message box like option in this part?

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I want to create a program using scroll bar controls. What are the commonly used properties of scroll bars? What are the commonly used scroll bar control in VB? What is the function of “borderwidth” in VB? What are the controls that I need to include in my form? Can you explain to me the lines and or declarations that you use for me to better understand how the program flows and works? Can you change the color properties of a shape while using the scroll bar? Thank you!

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I want know more other ways to controls in Visual Basic 2015. How can I control shapes in VB? Help me create a program that will display the shape that is equivalent or will correspond to button actions. What are the controls I need to use that must be included in the form? Can you show me the codes and explain it one by one? How useful this program in other aspects? Can you give me more ideas on how to manipulate shapes at runtime?

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I want to create a program in VB2015 or 6.0 that will change the size of the form by clicking command buttons. What are the controls need for this program? Can you provide me step-by-step? Can you explain to me the declarations that you use if possible line-by-line? Can you show me on how to change properties in run time? Can you show me also how to create .exe and how to save it and run it? Is it true that we can create installer out of VB 2015 or VB 6.0? Please help me teach my self VB. Thank you!

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