I was using Hyper-V Manager and working fine but now an error occurred while attempting to start the selected Virtual Machine. The error shows “Demofail2 failed to start”. What is wrong with the selected virtual machine? I am using Windows 8 Operating System so please help me to resolve this issue.
An error occurred while attempting to start the selected virtual machine(s).
Demofail2 failed to start
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Today, I was trying to install VMware VPD for SQL Server Setup but I was unable to install it properly because during the installation an error message appeared saying “Unable to register the backup agent service”. I could not resolve this error so I need your assistance to fix it properly. Provide any suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
Register Agent: Unable to register the backup agent service.
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I downloaded Virtual Box 2.0.6 and installed on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 but I got the following error message at the end of installation during program launch. I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it but the same error displayed on the screen. How can I fix it? Have any idea?
Thanks for any help.
Error: Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.
The application will now terminate
Callee RC: Co_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE (0x800800005)
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On starting the LivePC from the player, I was prompted with the following error. The error prevents the VMware player from launching. I really need your help so please provide me the step by step solution. I would be really grateful.
VMware Player
Error while opening the virtual
machine: A file access error
occurred on the host or guest
operating system.
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I originally just uninstalled the client and reinstalled it, didn't fix the issue. Then I uninstalled client and all plugins and started installing them one by one, until I found the vdr plugin is the one causing this issue. To confirm I uninstalled vdr plugin…no error……reinstalled vdr plugin….error.
VDR 2.0
vCenter Server 4.1
VMware Client 4.1
Has anyone seen this before? I haven't really been able to find too much from searching.
Error Message: Method not found: ‘VMware.VimServices.Search.ResultItem[]
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I have installed SCE2007 on a Win2k3_sp2 virtual machine in a Virtual Server environment and I am unable to connect the console to the server. The following error appears. Need a little help here.
- 1 answers
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I was trying to add a Virtual machine to the DVPortGroup in the vSphere Client but it failed and displayed an error message. I need your help to resolve this error message and tell me cause of this error. The attached image will show you the error message.
Create virtual machine
The resource vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPort is not available in
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Is it possible to use XP running in VM ware Fusion with Japanese Office 2010 Professional Academic version on a Mac Book Pro? I have to specify that I already had the Japanese version of Office 2003, and it works just fine.
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I was reading on thin app blogspot and it talks about VMware ThinApp Factory, which I think is used to convert software installers into a format where they can be used to automatically install onto VMware virtual workstations. But, what is VMware ThinApp what is the difference from running an application on VMware Workstation for example, and why is it called "thin" is the application installer actually any smaller, how could it be, or what does it refer to, can someone explain?
- 1 answers
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I got a problem when I tried to install sisulizer 3.0.336 on a Windows 7 running in VMware Fusion 5 for MAC OSX. When I click on the on the installation file then I received the following error message. I would really appreciate ant help.
Thanks in advance.
Exception ERegistryException in moduleSisu_3_0_336.exe at 00031BE4.
Failed to get data for'ProxyEnable'.
- 1 answers
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