Web Cams
I am having problems installing my new webcam. It is HP HD 4310. It is not working I tried to look for the icon in the desktop to test it but I cannot see it in my desktop or installed hardware. Can anyone help me how to make this web cam work? What are the step-by-step instructions on how to do this? Can you give alternative ways or different ways to resolve my issue? I plugged it again and it is not showing in my unrecognized device or in my taskbar. Please help! Thank you!
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Whenever I try a video chatting on my Notebook PC then my webcam does not show anything except for a white screen. The condition is normal in the case of photos but the webcam shows unnecessarily white screen with some dark patches on the edge of screen which is very annoying. And next thing is, the white screen shows up only after some seconds of video chatting. I am using HP Pallivian G6 notebook. Please fix this problem I am very annoyed with it.
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Tablets do freeze a lot if they don't have enough memory to handle the processes. I bought a HP tablet few days back and it is now freezing a lot. If I connect it to my PC using USB, it freezes at the very moment. When I surf the web for some minutes, it freezes. What should I do to get rid of these freezings?
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I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installed in my computer. Now I am trying to record a video using my webcam which is Longitech C920, although I also have the Longitech c910 that I want to use partly. I have the GTK UVC to help capture the video but I am getting latency all the time on both webcams. Can you please help me identify the issue.
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I have found a Web Cam which was misplaced few years back. Right now, I have a laptop to use Skype but I need to use Skype on my desktop too. However, I'm unable to find out the right driver for my webcam. It is a webcam by LG but i don't know what to do next.
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It is said that Doob 3D can take 3D selfie. 3D selfie are also a great matter of concern for the selfie enthusiast. Will we ever get the chance to take 3D selfie? What hardware will be developed in the future in order to take 3D selfies? Will this feature arrive to Webcams and Smartphones?
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Webcams are gaining popularity these days and many of us use it for various purposes. I want to find out the features of next gen webcams. What can we expect in the new webcams which will be released in the coming 3 years? Will they support 3D interaction? What else will they have?
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I know there have been many camera models coming out in the last few years. However, most of them seem to boast of having ‘additional’ features not found in others. What kind of features should I look for in a modern digital camera? How can I know if my camera is legitimate or not?
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Hello, my question is in regards to web cams. I currently have one set up on my laptop, and I am wondering if there is any possibility of accessing it remotely? I know there are concerns with viruses and their ability to do this, but I am just looking for a way to see my home for security while I am away. I'm not looking for anything fancy, just an ability to access it. Thank you.
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