Web Graphics
We use three character hex color codes of browser safe colors, for example #F4E means #FF44EE, each one is repeated twice to give a 6 character code. Why are these browser safe, can't browsers handle 6 digit color codes accurately these days? I notice sometimes a JPG sometimes shows a different color when viewed than it did in the editor, is that to do with this?
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Hello fellow members. A friend created for me a responsive website with Flash content. I would like to edit it myself for that personal touch. How do I add personal webpage graphics in JPEG file format? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance guys.
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Hi fellow members,
I plan on building my own responsive website with Flash content. What is the most used webdesign tool without hard coding? Can someone suggest something? Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Hello readers! I’m dropping by to seek some opinions. I’m planning to create a website for my small printing shop to advertise and promote it. I was searching on the internet during the last few days for the best print shop site template, but I can’t decide as of the moment. I’ve seen some really nice ones but they’re extremely expensive. I’ve seen cheaper ones even free ones but I’m not quite sure if they’re of good quality. So if you can just give me any idea or opinion where can I find a really good quality print shop site template but I don’t have to pay that much, at least under $150, that would greatly be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Hi! I want to improve my web page. I've been having a hard time setting my albums to have a scroll feature. Are there any css scrolling albums which can be found on the internet? If there are none, can you help me out with this problem? I need css templates that would help me control the layout of my albums.
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Hello fellow members. I'm trying to use CAD-Earth to try to import/export JPEG images in Google Earth. How does Google Earth import several polylines in 2D and 3D to AutoCAD? I can't seem to find the import/export images option. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks guys.
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Hi guys,
I am a web developer and I have been looking to improve the visual appearance of text in my websites with creative new fonts.
I am hoping this will make the websites better, what I am looking for is stylish colored fonts online that are available for download.
If someone can please suggest where I can find them I would be grateful,
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Hi Techyv members, I'm wondering how to multi upload image and single upload on WCF. What are the steps needed to do this? What is the plug in needed for this? Can you give me specific key features of the plug in? I need it to be efficient but yet easy to customized.
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I want my page to look more interesting so I want to insert a live chat using a GIF image. But I am not sure how to do this. Do I need to download anything to create one? Is there any tool that you can recommend for this?
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I am developing a website for a local bank and I need some customer service website templates that I can use as a point of reference. I need the templates so I can finish the customer service portion very quickly since the client need the website to be finished in less than a week. So if anyone knows anything, please leave a comment. Thanks!
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