Web Languages/Standards

Web Languages/Standards

What languages or subjects except html coding need to be studied to develop a dynamic website?

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What is the importance or necessity or usefulness of declaration in html or htm pages?

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I wanted to see the source code of a web page but I don't know that even if it is possible. I have heard that it is possible in.

Some browser. If you could help me by providing me with the browser name and also the process of viewing the source code.

I would really appreciate a lot.


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I wanted to make a multicolor link using HTML? Is it possible? If yes, how could I make one? Any help would be appreciated.

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Is ecommerce only possible with web designing.Can't it be done without web designing? Is ecommerce a vital part of web designing?

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I accidentally changed my Google chrome language into Chinese. Now, I could no longer identify the buttons that I need to click to bring it back to its original setting. Please help me deal with this problem.

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Hi guys, can anyone please give me a simple explanation about “Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)”,is there any specific browser need to execute VRLM?

  • 2 answers
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Hi everyone ,

Is it possible to write text over images using CSS ?

If so , please can anyone guide me on how to do this?

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Hi guys I am new to the web design, I have designed a website, but it looks ugly.

I am looking for a way to make rounded corners on every table in my website,

Can anyone guide me on how to do this? using CSS

  • 1 answers
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Hi guys ,

I have created a new website , and I need it to center align using CSS ,

Please can someone suggest me a way to do this?

  • 1 answers
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