Web Marketing

Web Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation, I understand can be divided into two methods, on page optimization and off page optimization. What is meant by each of these two methods? What is the difference between these two? Which of these two, should I consider for SEO purpose? Are there any factors based on which I need to select one of these?


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What is cross linking in terms of Search Engine Optimisation? Is it an ethical SEO practice? What are the benefits of using it on a webpage? Is there a downside to the use of cross linking? In what circumstances could it be harmful? What is anchor text and how is it used in cross linking?

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What is an organic search in terms of Search Engine Optimisation? How will a website using organic search benefit in the long run in terms of improving the share of web traffic routed to the web page. How can the ad revenue of a website increase by the effective use of the organic search methodology?


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What is the Spider in a search engine? What is its role in the Search Engine Optimatiztion process? What is a Bot in SEO terminology? There are two ways in which a Spider finds relevant data. What are these? What is Metadata and how does the search engine use this in SEO?


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What are the components of a search engine? What is the use of a program with respect to Search engine optimization? What is the role of the Search engine in SEO? What are the basic actions performed by the search engine which helps users to access relevant data with increased accuracy.

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What is web site performance monitoring? What are the aspects of a website which can be monitored through this? Who is involved in this kind of monitoring? How is it helpful for a website admin? What is load testing? In this context, what is internal monitoring and external monitoring? What is end user monitoring?

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What are expire headers? How do they work? How can I make a web page load faster using expire headers? How should I set the expiry time for objects that don’t change frequently on the website? What kind of expiry time should be set for objects that change frequently? How can I add an expire header?

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Client side rendering as opposed to server side rendering improves page load time. Is the statement correct? What is the difference between the client side rendering and server side rendering? When do you think client side rendering would make for better and faster performance of web pages? What is Google Closure in this context and what is it used for?

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What is Web compression? How does it work? How can compression help to improve the speed with which a web page loads up? What is the GZIP compression? How does it help? What are the techniques for content compression? Is Graphic compression harmful for the web page in terms of quality?

  • 1 answers
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How can I make my websites load faster? I read somewhere that a content delivery network helps a website load faster. Is this true? What are some other techniques that I could use? What are the image formats that I could use to improve page loading speed? Please suggest some plug-ins that I could use.
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