Web Marketing

Web Marketing

Hello TechyV!

Can anyone please tell me the significance of an aged domain name? Is it still preferable to buy an aged domain? How much is the aged domain names value for now? Would you still recommend the use of Aged domain? If yes, can you please explain your reason? What is the difference of using the aged domain names with the new domain names? Please help me guys! I really need an expert’s advice on this.



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Hi there.  I use VirtueMart for my e-commerce business.  How do I change the VirtueMart table title heading?  I have VirtueMart 2 and Joomla 2.5.  Any feedback would be highly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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Hello Everyone!

I am looking for the best lead generation flow chart samples for online sales. Can anyone please guide me how to choose the best lead generation process? Can you give a sample flow chart and tell us how to ensure the success of your sample flow chart? If you’re an expert on this, please help me. I would be very happy to hear your recommendations.


Amarion Dwayne

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Good Day TechyV Experts!

Anyone please tell me what are the qualities of a good SEM interview questions and answers? How to create high ranking interview questions? Can I make my own question? Is it better to consult the SEM vendors? Can you provide a list of your preferred Search engines and share your own experiences? Your help will be much appreciated.

Thank you for sharing.


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Hi and Good day. I am working with dreamweaver cs6. I am going to create a website about politics and funny comics. So I want to design and develop it. I want to add cartoon agenda template into my website. Expert please suggest me some links to download it easily. Thanks. 

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Hello techyv.com!

The kind of business that I have is selling products online via my own website. Now I want to reprogram my website in a sense that all my products must have barcodes that can be viewed by people visiting my sites. Please teach me if there is a barcode logger program for websites? Thanks!

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Hello, I am going to create a blog using webs. It is a management blog and business industrial blog. So I want to add rotatable online ruler into the blog. Actually I want the HTML code of rotatable online ruler. So give me the suitable HTML code to add it to gadgets. Thank you. 

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Hallo TechGurus! I am developing an email system for my news website. The email script should be able to work in the remote server using the host SMTP server. How do I create SMTP server local PC home to be able to test my script before uploading it. Thanks a lot for your help.

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I need to know about backlinks live on the web. How can you check your back links? I need to know the total numbers of backlinks my site has and how much they are effective. Also need to know how many number of shares and if they are in the anchor text or not and also if those are no followed link.

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I have the simple SEO technique but I believe there are some stealth technique for traffic ranking. I think my traditional SEO work will not increase traffic. So I need to know how you increase your web site traffic? Please share with me friends.

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