Web Services and WCF
Hi computer friends, I encountered a problem while using Gliffy, while I was using the online application, message appeared on my screen, "there was a problem processing your request", I attached below the complete error message to highlight my post.
There was a problem processing your
request. Make sure you are still online and
try again. Contact support@*****.com if
the problem persists.
- 1 answers
- 1 votes
Hi all,
I was upgrading from v2 to new v3 beta of pez desktop, but I got this error message:
There was an error downloading the update Error# 16824.
I uninstalled the desktop and re downloaded it then it tried to upgrade and failed again.
Here is a picture to better describe my problem.
Any suggestions please!
- 2 answers
- 0 votes
I have an email server which I use to server for sending emails.
Some of my clients are reporting me this error as in the image.
I have checked my server thoroughly ,there is nothing wrong with it or its settings.
Many other clients are sending mails smoothly ,but those who are reporting this error problem, I visited them myself and tried to send email from them to the server and entered all information correctly including the server name, but it gives the same error on their computers.
- 1 answers
- 1 votes
What is the best platform for news sites?
1. Joomla
2. Vivvo
3. Drupal
4. WorldPress
- 2 answers
- 11 votes