Windows 98
How can I run a Win 98 COM Test Drive? What are the issues that I can encounter during the configuration? I just need a brief and easy steps. Thanks.
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I checked out the classic windows 98 icon pack and I like it. I would like to download it but I have no idea where from. Where can I download classic Windows 98 icon pack? It does not matter whether it comes as one of the common zip files. I will wholeheartedly appreciate.
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Hello there. I am having a problem adding new fonts to my PC. I use Windows 98. Somebody instructed me to look for fonts icon windows 98 in my computer but I cannot seem to find it. Please help.
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Hello fellows,
Windows 98 full version is having a problem.
I cannot install Mozilla Firefox with my Windows 98 full version, is it all about compatibility matters or there is any other cause of this problem?
Give me some important information regarding this matter.
Thank you.
MrMarshall Johnny.
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Hi, I would like to inquire whether I could use a hard drive that uses Windows 98 in a computer that uses Windows XP. Is there a way I can do this without any virus affecting the new computer from the old one? Thanks for the help.
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I am using win98 in my PC. I have some problem with my PC it take too much time to run any program or whenever i run program it take too much time on searching when it execute it placed a icon on my desktop I need win98 expert who solve my pc problem with in minimum time i pay for that if the expert if He deserve.
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Hello experts,
How to install windows 98 polish? Give me some installation instruction to get this done properly. I hope you can give me some ways to make this possible. I got a dual core computer with 2.1 gghrtz processor speed.
Thank you.
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I want to download a free diskeeper lite for 98. I downloaded diskeeper lite yesterday but get an error unable to download file and I was just thinking why is it happening? I am using windows 7 64 bit operating system is this has to do with my operating system and compatibility reasons? I hope you can guide me on the process of fixing the error.
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Hi Experts,
I am in a great problem. I use win 98 OS in my computer. I can't write Arabic in my computer. So, I am looking for "win 98 Arabic" font. But I could not find it. Can anyone tell me where can I get "win 98 Arabic" font ?
Please help me.
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I know this would come out funny to some if not to everyone. I still have this very old laptop that can still connect to the internet; the computer is not 12 months old but more than 12 years old.
This was my mom’s.
This question goes to the ones familiar with old tech Windows 98! How do I stop this warning from showing?
If this is triggered by the update, where do I turn the update off?
For an old OS It really wants a new machine!
Windows 98 Update Wizard
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