16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem Error Quick Fix

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, if I try to install or run an application on Windows XP, I am getting the following error: 16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem path to the program that you are trying to start or install config.nt

The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.

Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. or; 16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem path to the program that you are trying to start or install C:WinntSystem32config.nt. Download and install this program to solve this problem.

Window Repair

Windows Quick Fix 16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem

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Best Answer by Paul Pinalb
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #144255

16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem Error Quick Fix


Hi Jdonnel!

I'm sorry to hear (or read for this matter) that you are getting that config.nt error. It means that your config.nt error unfortunately was lost or damaged/corrupted. 

The bidgoodsvc link is actually a fix. (but its no longer working) 

Now, not to fret. 

Here's the solution: 

1.) Click the Start button

2.) Click on Run 

3.) Type the following on the address bar: –"C:WindowsRepair"–

4.) Click OK

5.) It will take you to the repair folder .. Look for & copy config.nt

6.) Do steps 1 to 2

7.) Type this on the address bar: –"%windir%system32"–

8.) It will take you to the system32 folder if done correctly

9.) Paste config.nt

I hope that helps!




Paul Pinalb

Answered By 0 points N/A #144256

16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem Error Quick Fix


A friend of mine was messing around with his windows for quite some time and he recently tried loading his windows after formatting and he also experienced an error of some sorts and I believe this was it. I'll check back with him and see if the error is similar, then he too would be more than happy to see a solution to his problem. 

Thanks in advance.

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