WII U is designed to support only 1Â gamepad. But along with its popularity comes a demand for 2. Nintendo is working on making this possible and has posted recently that it is going to be a reality but with a fee. Price is yet to be determined.
The real challenge here is on the frame rates as there is going to be a sure drop in the numbers if it is to have 2 Gamepads. Switching one off is not a solution as it defeats the purpose of having 2. Do you guys think the unit will need an upgrade on another device needed for this to work?
2 gamepads for WII U at a cost
Hello Debrajbartels,Â
The WII U will work with one system and now with video. It is not known as of yet the cost of the device or if they will have the gamepad to gamepad games as of yet. Japan posted on Twitter the frame rate will drop to 30 fps if they decide to have two Gamepads and the look would be as clear.Â
It will be made with 45nm muilt-core Power processor embedded with DRAM. It will also be equipped with a touchscreen controller for motion control, along with dual analogue sticks, rumble feedback, a D- pad, a front facing camera, triggers and shoulder buttons included, along with the traditional start, select, and home buttons along with a microphone. The WII U will also come with a new controller along with four more Wii controllers or Plus controllers.Â
The system is compatible with all Wii games and its accessories. In the pricing department rumor has it that it is quite pricey in the US for a whopping $600 and UK 399. Looking to come with shelves in around Christmas 2012.