2 tier and 3 tier systems and what they mean

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

What is a 2 tier systems? What is a 3 tier system? How do they differ? a 3 tier system is linear . What does this statement mean? A two tier system is a triangular view. Explain how? What is a N tier system? How is it different from the above mentioned types?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #131944

2 tier and 3 tier systems and what they mean


The two-tier system refers to the type of payroll system being used by a company. It is a type of payroll system where a set of workers gets lower wages or salaries or maybe benefits than another. This type of payroll scheme became popular in the late 1980s in the most industrialized economies.

Trade unions normally want to reduce this but not all were successful at this. Several studies have found problems with the two-tier system. The negative effects include the following: newer lower-paid employees have higher turnover, and disheartened workforce. However, reducing the productivity expectations on new hires appears to lessen some of these issues.

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