Computer viruses are one of the biggest threats which are spreading like forest fire all over the computer world. What is the best AntiVirus Software of the Year 2011 Reviews

Computer viruses are one of the biggest threats which are spreading like forest fire all over the computer world. What is the best AntiVirus Software of the Year 2011 Reviews
Hello there!
For the year 2011, according to the survey wise and reviews from different people, the top Anti-Virus Software for the said year is BitDefender Anti-Virus, this is from TopTen Reviews. According to them, they have been impressed by BitDefender for years and that the said anti-virus software continues to innovate and improve year by year to maintain the top rank. There are other Anti-Virus software that also comes in second with BitDefender for their outstanding performance from people who actually use them and these are the Kaspersky Anti-Virus and Norton Anti-Virus.
BitDefender had its top rank among others since it is easy to use, its effectiveness and most importantly, its wide scope of protection against virus. Also, BitDefender has this feature that disposes the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) threats which is now incomprehensible with its widespread system.
Hope it answered your question.
Thank you.
According to PCMagazine, the best or one of the best antivirus programs for this year 2016 is Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016. Its retail price is around $40 per year or $39.95. Buying three licenses would cost you $59.95. It received excellent scores in the antivirus lab tests as well as the tests performed by PCMagazine.
It also received the best antiphishing score. It also features a new Ransomware Protection. Ransomware is an increasing problem among computer users. Normally, ransomware silently encrypts all your essential documents in the background. When it is done, it demands payment so you can restore those important documents back. The payment is normally in Bitcoin or probably in other untraceable currency.
The new Ransomware Protection in Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016 is turned off by default. Turn it on to use Ransomware Protection and be protected. It protects Pictures and Documents folders. You can also add more folders to the protected list.
When Ransomware Protection is activated, when a non-approved program tries to modify a file residing in one of the protected folders, Bitdefender blocks the program and denies access to the file and then displays a warning. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016 has an improved password manager and also features vulnerability scan. It supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Visit Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016 if you wish to try it.
Regarding on your question there is a Techyv post which one is addressed well. Go that page and get more useful information about the best Antivirus Software of the Year.