2Backup unhandled exception has occurred

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am doing work in Agency where we send our data daily to main branch of Agency. For sending this data we create backup of data and then send it but today I want to create backup but given problem appears due to this problem I can not send data to the main branch agency please provide me its solution I give detail of complete error here.


An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will be shut down immediately.

Too many files selected. Please select fewer files and try again.

Details                                      Continue           Quit


Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #103499

2Backup unhandled exception has occurred


When I checked for this issue on the internet I found nothing related. But as far as the error message, I would rather call it as a warning message, since it clearly states that too many number of files have been selected. I would suggest you to continue and see if the back up happens. If so, its well and good. If else, try reducing the number of files need to be backed up and try again.

One more thing to be taken into account is that backing up data always has to do with the memory space left. Ensure that you have sufficient memory for backing up all the selected files.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #103500

2Backup unhandled exception has occurred


You chose too many sets of files in an instance. It overloaded the cache it uses to do the task. Maybe if you lessen the number of files in one task of doing the back up it might do the trick. As what the error message says, you can continue or else quit. I’m sure if you hit the Continue button it will still do the backing up but partially. The files exceeding the limit would not be included in the back up. I think there’s no problem with that. You can do another set of backing up for the files that were not included in the earlier task.

Next time always remember the limit of the program when doing back ups. So you wouldn’t get this error again.

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