Hi TechyV Guys,
My server has encountered a problem. Have a look at the error message below. Have you any idea for this 500 server error? I tried several ways to get a remedy of this issue but no result. Is it a fatal problem with my server? Please help me to solve it.
Thanks in advance.
500 Server Error
The web server encountered an error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. If this error persists, please stop using your computer and go and play outdoors. You’ve played with it, and now it’s broken.
I hope you’re happy.
500 Server Error – The web server encountered an error or misconfiguration
Hello Gracek,
This 500 Error message can show up in any browser in any OS. This error is general HTTP status code that means there is something going wrong on web site server it is server side error meaning this problem is not with your computer or internet connection. If you got this error reload the web page or delete your browser cookies.
500 Server Error – The web server encountered an error or misconfiguration
This is a fairly general error message that could mean a lot of things. It basically means that the server encountered an unexpected condition. To fix it at the server side, you should look for error logs that would normally be generated when this error occurs. From there, you can narrow down the possibilities. A common source of this error is corrupted and/or badly written server scripts.
500 Server Error – The web server encountered an error or misconfiguration
Hi Gracekmakris!
Regarding your concern, this is basically called a "catch all" error which was generated by the Web server. It means that  there is something wrong  with the website however the server cannot identify the specific error condition that occurred In relation to the 500 error that you have received, the web server should have made a detailed internal error log on what went wrong.Â
Below are the communicating cycle with the Web server:
1. From the IP name of the site obtain an IP address.
2. Socket connection should open to that IP address.
3. Through that socket, write an HTTP data stream.
4. From the web server in response, this data stream contains status codes which are determined by the HTTP protocol.
Therefore, this error can be solved only by fixing the Web server software. It is not a client problem anymore thus it is already for the operators to analyze the logs which will supposedly give you further details with your error.
I hope that this information have helped you. Good Luck!