When I want to export some files with AAF extension this error log appears. I tried to export different formats and same error appears. Can anyone help me please to fix this error please ? What I did wrong ?
Thank you !
AAF Export Log
The AAF file “/Users/sareeshsudhakaran/Documents/Samples/PPSmokeTest/PPCC25p.aaf” could not be exported completely and /or accurately, as logged below:
Cannot export video effect “AE.ADBE
Lumetri” (Sequence: “PPCC25p”, Video Track: “Video1” (#1), Positin: 462, Time : 00:00:18:12) because it is no supported . Effect was ignored.
AAF export error due to user problems
The AAF file extension stands for Advanced Authoring Format. It is a professional file interchange format intended for the video post production and authoring. Since you did not say what program you are using, just check if the AAF file format is supported by your application. It is also stated on the lower part of the message that the video effect on the video is not supported.
So that also goes to the video you are trying to export since the effect is applied on the video. Since you are doing an export and not import, you probably want to remove the video effect “ae.adbe lumetri” to somewhat successfully save the file to the AAF format. You can also do a test.
If you applied several effects on the video, try removing them one at a time then do the export. This way you can check which video effect is not supported by the AAF format.